Poker Terms and Definitions

Poker is a game rich in unique terms, abbreviations, and slang that can leave even seasoned players scratching their heads. If you’re new to poker or simply want to sharpen your understanding of poker language, our comprehensive glossary is here to guide you. Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Clear and concise definitions of essential poker terms.
  • Easy alphabetical navigation for quick reference.
  • A complete list of poker vocabulary, including phrases specific to online poker.

This glossary is designed to help you not only understand poker talk but also enhance your gameplay. From basic slang to advanced terminology, we’ve got everything you need to feel confident at the poker table.


If you have any questions about any poker terms or don’t find a word or term you’re looking for, please post a comment below the page! We’d be happy to explain it for you.

User Comments

Total: 11 Comments

There are terms in the TDA rules that are not defined there or here.
Tabling Cards
Killing a hand

January 29, 2022

1) What do they call the players (stacks of) chips? Like the players bank or something.

2) Erratum: Dog “If you behind in the hand…”, should be “If you’re behind in the hand…”.

January 13, 2021

@Scott: 1) It’s usually just called “stack”. The term “bank” is reserved for casino games.

2) Thanks, fixed :).

January 14, 2021

what does it mean in texas holdem when one player has the high bet and another player has the low bet ? why is it in the card game also? Why don’t they play straight betting.? Wher one person bets the next person calls or raises also and so on?

December 17, 2020

@Philip: There are no high or low bets in Texas Hold’em. The only games where those terms could remotely make sense are split pot games like Omaha Eight or Better.

December 28, 2020

what is puck used for
in tournament

May 7, 2017

In the glossary regarding “Gapper”, you errornuously stated that 86 is a 2 gapper.

Where is the definition of “Hero Call” ?
What’s the Shallow Stack & it’s use for bet-sizing?

August 18, 2016

Last to bet is first to show. If you call s.o. he needs to show jis cards first.

August 18, 2016

I want to built up a society in my university and i want a suggesstion related to card games which have some decent apperance but strong meaning

March 10, 2016

If you are holding a pocket pair of eights after a J 7 6 flop, is it ever accurate to refer to your holding as “second pair?” Are there extensions of the “second pair” term where this is appropriate?

April 5, 2015

If a player makes a bet after the river and that player is called does that player have to show his cards ?

January 18, 2015

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