What is a Poker Straddle Bet?

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The straddle bet in poker is often used in live cash games to generate more action. It’s an optional bet that goes on top of the blinds before any cards are dealt. With the right strategy and timing, it can be a great way to exploit players and win more money. However, this potential comes with some risks. Here we’ll tell you all you need to know about this sleeper bet, including why and when you use it. So, if you’re ready to juice up some pots, let’s get started. 

Straddle poker definition:

The meaning of a straddle in poker is basically an extra blind bet – equal to double the big blind amount and, just like the blinds, they go into the pot before any of the cards are dealt. When you’re straddling, you’re essentially buying the big blind. This bet is always voluntary and players must agree to it.

Why post a poker straddle?

Straddle bets are designed to generate action. Indeed, the players most likely to post a straddle are those that embrace variance and typically adopt an aggressive strategy. Of course, that’s not to say everyone who throws a straddle poker chip into the pot will be a LAG (loose aggressive player). However, in general, this is a move favoured by those who don’t mind action. 

Why does it generate more action? It simply puts extra money in the pot that people want to win. However, more specifically, it bloats the pot before any cards have been dealt. This, in turn, reduces the pot-to-stack ratio in two ways. Firstly, it puts more money in the middle than the blinds are designed for. Let’s assume it’s a $1/$2 game and everyone buys in for 100bb (i.e. $200). 

In this situation, there would be $3 in the middle before any cards are dealt. $3 represents 1.5% of everyone’s stack. If, however, a player put in a poker straddle worth 2X the big blind (i.e. $4), there would be $7 in the middle. This means that pot now represents 3.5% of a 100bb stack. 

As well as changing the pot-to-stack ratio before any cards are dealt, a straddle in poker will affect any subsequent bets and raises. If we stick with our $1/$2 example, a standard pre-flop raise in this game would be between 2.5X and 3X the big blind (i.e. $5-$6). When there is a $4 straddle in play, the raise needs to be bigger because there’s more money in the middle. 

If someone raises $5 and there’s already $7 in the middle, someone else only has to call $5 to play for $12. This reduces the effective stack sizes further because it means bets on later streets will also be bigger. 

Therefore, if you’re going to play a pot when someone straddles, you have to be prepared to go with it more often. That, in turn, leads to players getting it in with marginal hands and gambling. So, as you can see, what starts out as one extra bet actually has a cascading effect that generates a lot more action. 

Which Players like to Straddle in Poker?

It’s probably obvious already but the players most likely to straddle are the aggressive types. Naturally, as is the case with all things when you play poker, there are no absolutes. A tight player can use an effective poker straddle strategy to their advantage by maintaining a narrow opening range. 

However, in general, straddles are favored by those with wider ranges. Moreover, they are particularly appealing to players with stacks. In this situation, this extra blind bet allows them to leverage their stack and apply pressure to their opponents. 

what is a poker straddle bet
The poker straddle goes in before cards are dealt

Straddle Types

A Live Straddle acts like the Big Blind. So, if no one raises, it’s up to the straddler to decide whether to raise when it’s their turn. Straddles can be posted from any position and most casinos will allow them. The following are the most common types one can make. 

Button Straddle

The poker button straddle is made by the player on the button. This bet is double the size of the big blind and it’s made before any cards are dealt. This doesn’t offer the same positional advantage as other straddle bets in poker because the button is always last to act post-flop. However, it does give the button the advantage of acting last pre-flop. The action skips the button and goes straight to the blinds. From there, the button gets to make their pre-flop decision. 

Mississippi Straddle

When it comes to the straddle in Texas Hold’em, this one is the most liberal. In other words, there aren’t many rules. Basically, anyone in any position can make a Mississippi straddle bet. The size is also flexible and isn’t capped at 2X the big blind. Anyone who makes the largest Mississippi poker straddle gets to act last pre-flop.

UTG Straddle

When people are searching for a poker straddle meaning, it’s usually because they’ve seen someone make an extra bet from under-the-gun (UTG). This is the most common type of straddle and it involves the player who is first to act pre-flop (i.e. the player to the left of the big blind). Putting in a bet double the size of the big blind allows the UTG player to  act last pre-flop instead of first. 

Un-capped straddle

There are often betting in straddle rules poker games. As a general rule, a straddle is 2x the value of the big blind. With un-capped live straddle poker bets, there are no limits. Players can put down as much as they wish. This can often lead to situations where players with the largest stacks get into a game of chicken to see who can put in the most money and act last pre-flop.

Sleeper Straddle

Sleeper straddle poker games are those that allow blind bets in the cash games. Basically, “sleeper” is another term used to describe the straddle. It got this name because it’s a blind bet (i.e. made before the cards have been dealt) so it’s as though the person is putting in their money while asleep. 

Double Straddle

Double straddle poker bets are exactly what you’d expect. Instead of one straddle, there are two. The second straddler is made by the player to the left of the original straddler. This bet has to be double the size of the original. This straddle option poker bet often triggers a chain reaction i.e. other players also add sleepers in order to try and gain a pre-flop advantage. 

How to Straddle in Poker

The best way to understand the straddle poker meaning is to see how it works in practice – example: 

Game: $1/$2 No Limit Hold’em
9-Handed Table
Hero is on the button

Seat 8 posts the small blind $1
Seat 9 posts $2 BB
You post a $4 button straddle

Seats 1-5 fold
Seat 6 raises to $14
Action skips you in seat 7
SB folds
BB calls

The action moves back to you and you raise to $40
The action now moves to the big blind who folds
The original raiser in seat 6 calls
You both go to the flop, and the hand plays out as normal

The Straddle in No Limit Poker Games

The straddle in No Limit has the effect of making the game bigger than it is. Anyone that’s ever seen an episode of High Stakes Poker or the Triton Series will know this. They often occur because one or more players wants to play for higher stakes but others don’t. So, instead of raising the stakes, they agree to straddle. In most instances, it’s etiquette for everyone to straddle if one player does. 

It’s possible to agree to something ahead of time and not place the extra bet, however, this has to be an open discussion. Anyone that fails to put in the extra bet without getting permission will likely be ejected from the game. If you can’t negotiate your way out of a sleeper bet, the best option is to leave the game rather than play for stakes you’re not comfortable with.

Is Straddling a Good Idea Generally?

If you play straddle position poker correctly, it can be +EV. However, in general, it’s not a good idea. As we’ve said, the reason people straddle is to generate more action. By putting extra money in the middle, players are literally sweetening the pot in the hope people will loosen up their ranges. 

However, it’s sometimes the case that straddling makes the game tighter. If a few players at the table are reluctant to make this type of bet, they’re likely to sit on their hands a lot more because they don’t want to risk their stacks. It may also be the case that blind bets put too much pressure on certain players which, in turn, causes them to leave. 

In both instances, this could cost you some equity. Indeed, if the weak players tighten up or leave, you’ve reduced your ability to win money from. This is on top of the actual equity you’re losing by increasing the size of the pot pre-flop. 

Cash game poker online and live is all about post-flop play. That’s why the stacks are deep. Reducing the pot-to-stack ratio encourages people to play marginal hands and gamble lightly. When you’re all-in with cards to come, you can’t bluff or pull off any other moves that may maximise your returns. 

Instead, you’re leaving things to the poker gods. To put it another way, straddling in poker can be -EV because you’re more likely to find yourself all-in with cards to come. When that happens, the winner of the hand will be determined by luck rather than skill. 

Pros and Cons of Straddling


Makes pots bigger so you can win more

Generates more action

Can be used to put pressure on weak players


Often makes weak players play tighter

Costly if you’re card dead as you have to gamble

You may shove more – relying on luck

Exceptions for When a Straddle is OK

Straddling at the poker table might not always be +EV but that doesn’t mean you should avoid it at all costs. In fact, there are times when it’s a good idea to use sleeper bets. The obvious reason is to make the game more entertaining. 

We’ve all been there before. You sit down in a game and no one is making a move. That’s fine for a while, but it can get dull pretty quickly. In this situation, an extra blind bet or two could get things moving. This doesn’t mean you should play recklessly. However, in extremely tight games, it can be hard to grind out an advantage, especially if you’re card dead. 

If the extra bet gets players to lose a pot or they see some extra money in play, it can encourage them to loosen up their range. Continuing this logic, straddling in a loose game is a bad idea. 

It’s great if players are tight and the pots are small because it gets things moving. However, if everyone is willing to gamble, straddles increase the variance even more. If you’re not prepared to gamble and endure massive swings, straddling isn’t wise in overly loose games. 

Poker Straddle Considerations

Under what conditions should you make a sleeper bet? You may understand the straddle poker term and how to use one, but it doesn’t mean the conditions are right. Here’s how to determine when best to straddle. 

Do I Have an Edge?

You should be more willing to play post-flop poker with people you have a significant advantage over as they’re more likely to make mistakes you can capitalize on. If you don’t have an edge (or are an underdog), it makes sense to encourage players to gamble with marginal hands.

Are the Stacks Right?

The stacks have to be deep for sleeper bets to be a good idea. In most instances, 100bb stacks aren’t deep enough because a few bets and raises could have people going all-in before the flop. As a general rule, everyone should have at least 200bb stacks. The deeper the better. 

Can I Get Into a Player’s Head?

The final consideration to make is psychological. If a player gets easily annoyed when they lose a big pot, it may be worth trying to get a straddle going. By raising the stakes, pots become larger and, if the player you’re targeting loses, they may go on tilt. Once they’ve lost control, they’ll be easier to play against. 

Do I HAVE TO straddle?

No, you always have the option. If a game already has a live straddle and you’re not comfortable with that, don’t play. If people in the game want to implement it but you don’t want to, state your case. You can either opt out or it won’t happen (the latter is more common). Otherwise you can always leave the game yourself.

Poker Straddle FAQs

What is a Straddle in poker?

This refers to a blind bet that players make before any cards are dealt. It’s made by a player outside of the blinds and it should be at least double the size of the big blind.

Why Straddle in poker?

You can do it to juice up pots and generate more action. Additionally, you can use it to pressure players or help nullify the edge strong players might have over you.

How does a straddle work in poker?

This is a blind bet that’s placed before the cards are dealt. It’s optional and goes alongside the blinds. The person who straddles last gets to act last pre-flop.

How to straddle in poker?

You place an extra bet worth at least 2x the amount of the big blind and declare it before any cards have been dealt. This way you’re essentially buying the big blind for that round. It’s also customary for other players to put in that extra bet too

When can you straddle in poker?

You can straddle from any position at the table if everyone agrees. In general, straddles are made from first position or from the button. However, Mississippi types can be made from any position. You should straddle when the stacks are deep and you want to generate more action. This can be because players are too tight or you don’t feel as though you have an edge in the game. Or you just want to go wild.

Is straddling a good strategy in poker?

In most cases, straddling is a bad idea because it reduces your EV. However, if you want to gamble or you feel as though it could swing the dynamics in your favour, it’s certainly worth trying.