No-Limit Holdem Strategy: Making Position Pay

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Arved Klöhn Pokerlistings Author
  • Fact Checked by: PokerListings
  • Last updated on: January 13, 2025

Anyone who has played more than a few hands of No-Limit Hold’em has undoubtedly heard the mantra “Position is critical.”

But few truly understand why it’s so important – or more specifically, in what situations and in what ways position most impacts a No-Limit Hold’em game.

You’ll find several situations in No-Limit where the relative position of the players in the hand has a significant impact – both on the way the hand is played and on the outcome. In particular when:

  • Flopping a set
  • Playing drawing hands
  • Playing difficult or trap hands (controlling the size of the pot)
  • Looking for bluffing opportunities
  • Playing the turn

How to Play Position in No-Limit Holdem

If you want to be a successful No-Limit Hold’em player, understanding position is absolutely essential. So with that in mind, it seems appropriate to devote a series of articles to some of the subtleties of positional play.

Part I: The Impact of Position When You Flop a Set

For the sake of simplicity, we’ll restrict our analysis to heads-up pots and discuss some of the differences in the play of the hand depending on whether you are in or out of position.

Building a Pot When You Are Out of Position Is Tricky

Generally speaking, the worst time to try and play a small pocket pair is in one of the blinds facing a raise from a player in late position. Heads-up, in a raised pot, it’s difficult to win enough money when you do flop a set to compensate for the money you lose when you don’t.

So if you are fortunate enough to flop a set but are out of position, how do you build the pot? There’s no easy approach.

If you check-call the flop, it will tend to signal more strength to your opponent than simply calling in position. If you check-raise the flop, you may scare off your opponent altogether and will only earn one small bet.

If you do decide to check-call the flop, you still have to figure out the best course of action on the turn. Checking may lead to your opponent checking behind you, getting no more money into the pot. Check-raising the turn (if your opponent bets) will signal strength, and likely only win you a modest-sized pot. The only other reasonable alternative is to lead out on the flop.

Unfortunately, many good players are now familiar with this move and may proceed cautiously. Even if betting out on the flop does get your opponent to raise, if you call all sorts of alarm bells will be going off. Similarly, if you lead out on both the flop and the turn, it also looks suspicious.

Simply put, there is no reliable way to get a lot of money into the pot when you’re out of position. Generally, when faced with this situation, I would advocate betting out and then (possibly) trying to check-raise the turn.

If You Were the Pre-flop Raiser

It’s somewhat easier to get money in the pot if you’re the pre-flop raiser. Imagine you raise from the cut-off with pocket eights. The button calls and the flop is J 5 3 . Your goal, of course, is to try and maximize the size of the pot. So how can you do that?

Since you raised pre-flop, the most natural play is to bet the flop. Typically, bet the same amount as you would with a normal continuation bet – somewhere around half to two-thirds of the pot. This may get your opponent to raise if he thinks you’ve missed the flop.

But let’s assume your opponent only calls and the turn is the 6 .

As is often the case in poker, choosing the best course of action depends on your read of the hand your opponent is most likely to have. Typically, on this sort of flop, your opponent will have one of three types of hands: top pair (usually with a modest kicker, such as J-9 or J-T, since he didn’t raise on the flop), a pocket pair lower than the jack, or some type of straight draw (usually the T-9).

If you bet again, will your opponent call with top pair and a medium kicker? How about with a medium pair? If you check, will he bet?

Generally speaking, it’s hard to get paid in this sort of scenario. You don’t want to give a free card on the straight draw, but you also don’t want to scare off an opponent with a medium pocket pair or top pair and a modest kicker (as the former has two outs at best and the latter is now drawing dead).

Flopping a Set in Position Is Far More Profitable

When you flop a set in position, it’s much easier to get money in the pot. Consequently, it’s also way more profitable to play small and medium pocket pairs from late position.

But there’s another reason to prefer playing pocket pairs in position – you can more accurately judge when the pot will be multi-way rather than heads-up. It’s still generally profitable to play most pocket pairs heads-up (when in position), but it’s far more profitable to play them against two or three opponents.

The primary reason for this is not, as many players tend to think, that more people are putting money in the pot pre-flop and you’re getting better odds to flop a set. It’s that the size of the bets on the flop, turn and river tend to be multiples of the pot.

If four players see the flop instead of two, the bets on the flop and turn will tend to be much larger.

If You Raise Pre-Flop

If you raise pre-flop and flop a set in position, you’re obviously in a very profitable situation.

Let’s suppose once again you’ve raised with pocket eights and the flop comes J 8 3 . If your opponent bets, you have two good options to build the pot: you can put in a normal raise, or call and wait until your opponent acts on the turn.

If your opponent bets again, you’ll have to decide whether it’s best to raise on the turn (it usually is if there’s any draw on board), or simply smooth-call again and wait to see how things develop on the river.

In either case, you don’t have to worry about scaring off your opponent by firing two (or three) barrels from out of position, or by check-calling the flop and then betting (or trying to check-raise) the turn. Instead, simply let the action come to you.

If Your Opponent Raises Pre-Flop

This is one of the most profitable scenarios in Hold’em. Your opponent raises pre-flop and you call in position. You flop a set and your opponent must act first. Because your opponent was the aggressor pre-flop, he’ll typically make a continuation bet on the flop. This gives you a couple of good options to build a pot.

Against a solid, aggressive player, it’s sometimes best to raise immediately on the flop – especially if the flop is ragged, with no high cards. This will sometimes get your opponent to try and represent a big pair and shut you out with a large re-raise.

Of course, if he actually has the big pocket pair, he will also typically re-raise. This approach will generally work best against a good, aggressive player. Another attractive option is to simply smooth-call the flop and wait for the turn to make your move.

Remember, flopping a set with a pocket pair is one of the most profitable situations in Texas Hold’em. Being slightly more selective with your small and medium pocket pairs and utilizing strong positional play, you can maximize your profits and potentially eliminate a costly leak in your game.


Suppose you call a late-position raise from the small blind with 8 8 . The flop comes 8 K 4 . You check to the raiser, who makes a continuation bet. If you raise here, you might scare away your opponent’s weaker hands. If you just call, you risk giving away how strong you are or letting a cautious opponent check back on a later street. This tension often leads to smaller pots when you’re out of position, reinforcing why position is so crucial for maximizing profits.

Extracting Value in Position

Playing in position goes beyond simply hitting your hand and letting the action unfold. It also involves reading your opponent’s tendencies, timing your bets to induce calls or raises, and knowing when to slow down to appear weak. By doing so, you gain a broader range of strategies that target both recreational and experienced players. Some professionals even use advanced models or a game-theoretical framework to evaluate whether a certain line is profitable.

Trapping with Medium Sets on Wet Boards

When you flop a set on a coordinated board, such as 9 8 6 , your opponent is more likely to continue aggressively with top pair or a straight draw. Checking behind on the flop if you’re in position can amplify their perception that you’ve missed. On the turn, if they make a pot-sized bet, you can raise to build a bigger pot. A balanced approach here often hinges on how likely you think your opponent is to fold to aggression.

Shifting Gears Against Aggressive Opponents

In position, you can also take advantage of aggressive regulars who assume you’ll only call in position with marginal hands or draws. Using what some describe as a GTO-influenced line, you might flat-call bets on the flop and turn, only to unleash a raise on the river. This move creates uncertainty in your opponent’s mind and can lead to profitable calls from weaker holdings.


Imagine holding 7 7 in the hijack seat and raising pre-flop. The cutoff calls, and the flop is 7 Q 5 . You continuation bet, your opponent calls, and the turn is 2 . You sense your opponent has top pair or a decent pocket pair. Here, a smallish turn bet might look suspiciously like a bluff, tempting your opponent to call again or even raise. If the opponent just calls, you can still fire one more bet on the river for additional value.


What is position in poker?

Position refers to the order of betting at the table. Having position means you act after your opponent on each post-flop street, giving you a significant advantage in decision-making and information gathering.

Why is playing pocket pairs in position more profitable?

When you flop a set in position, you can more easily manipulate the betting and induce calls or raises from opponents. Acting last allows you to make more informed decisions about bet sizing and whether to raise, call, or fold.

How do you build a big pot out of position with a strong hand?

It’s challenging because your checks, raises, or bets can reveal strength too early. Many players try check-calling on the flop and then check-raising on the turn, though the approach depends on opponent tendencies.

What if the pre-flop raiser keeps betting post-flop?

If you’re in position with a strong hand, you can choose to raise the flop, wait until the turn, or even see a river bet before springing a trap. Your overall goal is to maximize your advantage by letting the out-of-position aggressor commit chips.

How do coordinated boards affect set play in position?

On wet boards with potential draws, it can be beneficial to slow-play on the flop and then raise on the turn. This approach can keep opponents in with draws or top pairs until your hand’s strength is revealed.

Should you always raise a continuation bet when you flop a set?

Not necessarily. The decision to raise immediately or wait often depends on the board texture, your opponent’s play style, and the likelihood that a delayed raise will elicit more calls or even re-raises from weaker hands.

Can a game-theoretical approach help with positional play?

Yes, many experienced players use a GTO-informed perspective to balance their betting ranges. Understanding these models can clarify when to apply aggression, when to trap, and how to maximize expected value when in position.