Poker Hand Rankings Poker Guides

What is a Two Pair in Poker?

What is a Two Pair in Poker?

The main objective of poker players is to form the highest hand than other players. One of the possible poker combinations you can put together is Two Pair. This layout is quite common, so you should look into it in more detail. What does it look like? What are some effective strategies on how to do the drawing? How many chances to win in this case? About all this and not only read further in the article.

What is a Two Pair in Poker?

Two Pair is one of the 10 possible combinations in poker. It is not rare and occurs quite often. It consists of 2 pair of cards with different denominations and one unpaired card. For example, it look like 10♦ 10♣ 10♣ 5♠ 5♦ K♥.

This hand is low-rated and can be beaten by many other stronger combinations. However, do not remove it from the list of worthy candidates – it is the one that can bring you a big win in the end!

What Does a Two Pair Look Like?

The options for making a Two Pair combination in poker games vary. There are at least 3 possible ways to do it. It all depends on the type of game (Texas Holdem, Omaha and so on) and the number of cards on the board.

In standard Texas Holdem, players use both the common cards on the poker table and their pocket cards. A finished hand consists of 5 cards. Two Pair can be formed using one or both of the covered cards + the common cards. For example, it look like this: 10♦ 9♣ 9♥ 5♠ 5♥.

In Omaha everything happens exactly the same way, only out of 4 pocket cards a player can only use 2. Of the total playing cards on the table, 3 can be used. But the final hand will still consist of 5 cards. For example, Q♥ Q♠ 6♣ 7♦ 7♥.

How Does Two Pair Rank?

In order to assess the strength of the Two Pair combination and to understand who won, it is necessary to pay attention to the seniority of the available pairs. In very rare cases the victory will be calculated on the basis of an unpaired card (kicker).

For example, if you and your opponent have Two Pair:

Two Pair SchemeSenior Card in the PairUnpaired Card
Player 1K♦ – K♣ – 9♠ – 10♣ – 10♥King9
Player 28♥ – 9♣ – 9♥ – J♦ – J♠Jack8

Based on the data in the table, it is obvious that the first player whose Two Pair consists of Kings and 10s will win. The King beats the Jack. In very rare cases, when pairs of players match in seniority, the winner is chosen by an unpaired card. In this case again the first player would win, as the 8 is the weaker VS 9.

What Beats a Two Pair?

Two Pair is at 8 out of 10 positions in the ranking of the best hand in poker. This combination is quite vulnerable and can be beaten by others stronger. Two Pair will easily profit you if your opponents have a Pair or High Card. The table below provides a more detailed list with explanations:

High Card5 different cards where you have failed to make any combinations
PairTwo cards of the same value
Two Pair2 pairs with different values
Three of a kindThree playing cards of the same value
Straight5 cards in strict ascending order
Flush5 different cards of the same suit
Full HouseTwo cards of one value + three of another
Four of a kind4 cards of the same value
Straight Flush5 cards of the same suit in sequential order
Royal Flush5 cards of the same suit from 10 to Ace

Ways to Approach the Flush Draw

With the right calculations, you can successfully play a Flush Draw and make a profit! This term refers to an incomplete poker hand where one card is missing. This situation can occur either on the flopping or on the turn. There are a total of 9 possible ways to strengthen your hand. You can play it out in several ways:

  • Aggressively – Bet or raise, with the goal of taking the pot now.
  • Passive – “Call” a low bet with the hope of catching a Flush next.
  • Reset – Refuse to play a Flush Draw, for example, if your opponent bets very high.

Strategy to Play Two Pair

Poker is so popular in the world precisely because there is no single formula for winning. Each game has a difference. Every day, players compete to see who can put together the best hand. It is very difficult to calculate the outcome mathematically.

The most effective way to play the Two Pair combination will be helped by useful tips from more experienced players:

  • Place low (but not the lowest) bets to avoid spooking your opponents;
  • If you suspect the other player has a weak hand, increase your bet to force him to fold;
  • Pay attention to your opponents’ playing style and assess their strength;
  • Watch the size of the pot and try to control it (if it’s too big, don’t risk playing with Two Pair);

Remember the common cards on the table (if other players can use these cards to build stronger hands, you will lose).

Two Pair Probabilities

The probability of getting a Two of Pairs combination is useful for every player at the poker table. This multiplier depends on the type of game, as well as the card layout. The following table contains real data, based on which you can make a calculation of your odds of winning:

Texas Holdem2-16.70%19.15%19.57%4.7539%


How rare is a 2 Pair in poker?

You can get this hand about 1 time in 20 games.

What are the odds of getting a 2 Pair?

In general, you have a 4.7539% chance of getting Two Pair.

What beats a 2 Pair in poker?

This hand can be beaten by the stronger Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Full House, Four of a kind, Straight Flush and, of course, Royal Flush.

What does a 2 Pair beat?

Two Pair beats a Pair and a High card with ease.

Does 2 Pair beat 3 of a Kind?

No, as the Three of a kind is one position higher in the ranking of the best hand.

Does Two Pair beat a Straight?

No, Straight is considered the stronger combination.

Does 2 Pair beat a Flush?

No, Two Pair can never beat a Flush as it is the stronger combination.