Poker Hand Rankings Poker Guides

What is a Straight in Poker?

What is a Straight in Poker?

The most exciting card game where your intuition, strategy and mathematical analysis of the situation will come in handy is, of course, poker. Among the most frequent combinations of the middle class is Straight. This is a combination of 5 cards in a strict order. In this case, suits do not play a role.

It is important for players to understand not only how to compose such a hand, but also how to play it effectively at the poker table. What are your chances of winning with this combination? Read about all this and more in the article below.

What is a Straight in Poker?

So, out of the 10 possible poker hands, Straight is at the center of the list. This is 5 playing cards of different suits, where all values come one after another. So, for example, 5♥ 6♣ 6♠ 7♠ 8♣ 9♦.

If several players have a similar situation, then the winner must be chosen by the seniority of the cards. For example, the already known combination 5♥ 6♣ 6♠ 7♠ 8♣ 9♦ VS 8♣ 9♠ 10♦ J♦ Q♥. In the first case, the strongest card in the hand is the Nine of Diamonds. In the second case, it is the Queen of Hearts. It is this combination that will win in the end if none of the opponents at the table has the highest hand.

What Does a Straight Look Like?

Straight look like a standard combination of 5 cards in a clear sequential order. You can ignore the suits. Here are some examples that you may encounter on the board:

  • 6♣ 7♦ 8♠ 9♣ 10♦;
  • 9♦ 10♠ J♠ Q♣ K♠;
  • 7♠ 8♣ 9♦ 10♠ J♣.

To collect a Straight, for example, in No-Limit Texas Holdem can be done in several ways: on two pocket cards (the best outcome), on one pocket card (more difficult situation) and on common cards.

A notable feature in Straight is the Ace. It can stand either at the beginning of the combination or at its end (as the highest or lowest card).

How Does Straight Rank?

In the general list of different poker hands, Straight is clearly in the middle. It is a fairly common combination (the chance on turn and river can reach 30%), but it is the one that can bring you a good profit in the game! Learn more about its features and realize your skills at the poker table.

What Beats a Straight?

Further you can schematically see what Straight beats, and before what combination it is powerless:

Royal FlushForms the strongest combinations in poker, consisting of the highest five cards of the same suit.
Straight FlushIncludes five cards of the same suit collected in a row.
Four of a KindConsists of four cards of the same value and one additional card.
Full HouseIncludes three cards of the same value and two more cards of the same value. 
FlushIs formed from a combination of five cards of the same suit.
StraightFive cards collected by seniority. Ace can be taken as the highest or the lowest card.
Three of a KindIncludes three cards of the same value and two extra cards.
Two PairsIt includes two pairs of cards of the same value and one additional card.
One PairIt includes two cards of the same value and three free cards.
High CardThis is a free combination, which is taken into account when none of the opponents is able to collect any of the given combinations. In this case, the seniority of the cards reveals the winner

Ways to Approach the Flush Draw

Straight Draw is not a finished poker hand when you end up one card short. Based on this, there are 2 variants of events:

  • Two-sided – a more favorable situation where a single value is missing from either of the two sides.
  • Gutshot – a combination when the only card inside (third in order) is missing. The chances of strengthening the drawing in this case are many times less than in the first variant.

Strategy to Play Straight

If you are dealt Straight, you have a good chance of winning! There is no single tactic, as each hand is unique. Here are just a few useful tips on how not to miss your advantage and play the game:

  • Make a calculation of the current situation on the table. Evaluate how strong your opponents’ cards may be;
  • Analyze your opponents’ playing style. If they often bluff or on the contrary, play conservatively, it can affect your choice of actions;
  • If you already have a Straight, try to maximize your bets;
  • Increase the size of the pot without showing your poker hand.

Straight Probabilities

In a poker game, you have a fairly realistic chance of collecting Straight. Thanks to the complex math further down in the table, there are specific numbers. Explore their difference in Texas Hold’em and Omaha:

Texas Holdem1,30%16,19%17,20%0,39%
Omaha4,90%17,78 – 44,44%18,18 – 45,45%0,39%


How rare is a Straight in poker?

Rather rare combination, the chance to collect it is approximately 1 in 254.

What are the odds of getting a Straight?

The probability of getting a Straight is 0.3925%.

What are the odds of flopping a Straight?

To get a Straight on the flopping you can approximately with a probability of 4,9% (Omaha) or 1.30% (Texas Holdem).

What beats a Straight in poker?

There are only 5 combinations that can beat it – Flush, Full House, Four of One Kind, Straight Flush and of course Royal Flush

What does a Straight beat?

This is the set of poker hands that the Straight combination can beat. There are 4 pieces in total – Set, Two Pairs, Pair or High Card.

How many cards is a Straight?

Standard Straight consists of 5 playing cards of different suits, but in sequential order.

Does a Straight beat 3 of a Kind?

Yes, as it is considered the highest hand.

Does a Straight beat a Flush?

No, the Flush refers to stronger combinations.

Is a Straight better than a Flush?

A Flush (5 one-suit cards of any sequential order) beats a Straight (5 cards of different suits but in a strict sequence). So no, it’s not better.

Does a Straight beat Two Pair?

Two Pairs is not the best hand. Straight will easily beat it.