Poker Guides

Poker Hand Rankings Chart: From Best to Worst in Order

Poker Hand Rankings Chart: From Best to Worst in Order

Understanding the hierarchy of online poker hands is crucial for any gambler. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced poker player, this guide will help you master the basics of hands rankings, ensuring that you will always know what beats what. Keep reading to know all the nuances of the available poker rankings to make your own poker strategy.

Poker Hand Rankings: from Highest to Lowest

Knowing the ranking order of game combinations is important to determine the winner in any game of poker. Below we have presented not only their hierarchy, but also a brief but meaningful description of each of them, which will be a great help for you in understanding the basic poker rules!

Below is a table with a detailed description of the winning poker hands from best to worst:

Royal Flush A spades A K spades K Q spades Q J spades J 10 spades 10 A Royal Flush is the best hand in poker, consisting of an Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit. This unsurpassed combination is very rare and very desirable among all players as Royal Flush beats all other possible combinations.
Straight Flush 9 spades 9 8 spades 8 7 spades 7 6 spades 6 5 spades 5 A Straight Flush is a five-card poker hand which consists of consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, all the cards are in hearts. This is the second oldest combination.
Four of a Kind K hearts K K spades K K diamonds K K clubs K 6 hearts 6 Four-of-a-Kind, or Quads, consists of four cards of the same value, for example, four Aces. The fifth card (Kicker) can be any other card. This is one of the strongest poker hands.
Full House A hearts A A spades A A diamonds A K hearts K K spades K A Full House contains three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank, such as three Jacks and two Nines. Full House beats 6 lower combinations therefore it can be considered as a strong hand.
Flush A spades A K spades K Q spades Q 8 spades 8 2 spades 2 A Flush in poker consists of any five cards of the same suit that are not arranged sequentially. For example, K, J, 10, 6, 3 are all in clubs. When comparing two Flushes, the combination with the highest value card wins.
Straight Q hearts Q J hearts J 10 clubs 10 9 spades 9 8 hearts 8 A Straight is made up of five consecutive cards of different suits. For instance, 6, 5, 5, 3, 2. If two players have Straights, the one with the highest card is the winner.
Three of a Kind Q spades Q Q diamonds Q Q clubs Q A clubs A 10 hearts 10 Three-of-a-Kind includes three cards of the same rank and two unrelated cards. For example, three Queens. 
Two Pair A spades A A clubs A Q hearts Q Q diamonds Q K spades K Two Pair consists of 2 cards of one rank, 2 cards of another rank, and one unrelated card. For instance, two Jacks and two Fives. The highest Pair determines the winner in case of a tie in poker.
Pair A spades A A diamonds A Q clubs Q J hearts J 10 hearts 10 One Pair contains 2 cards of the same rank and three other unrelated cards. For example, two Nines. This hand is relatively weak as a Pair beats only a High Card.
High Card K diamonds K Q clubs Q 10 hearts 10 9 spades 9 5 hearts 5 When no other hand is made, the High Card hand is determined by the card with the highest value in the hand. For example, if you have A, Q, 7, 5, 3, the Ace is the Highest fifth card. This is the lowest hand.

Free Poker Hand Rankings Chart

Want a copy of the sheet with all the poker hands ranked? Print out our “Poker Hand Rankings” cheat sheet in PDF format. By having a physical copy of the poker hand chart, you can always be sure that you know the poker hand rankings.

It is more convenient for some gamblers to have a ready-made hint at hand that will help them quickly understand the basic rules of the game and remember the rankings to play poker more effectively. This chart is especially useful when practicing online, as you can have it right next to you rather than having a extra tab open while playing online.

Poker Hand Rankings Chart

Poker Hands Probabilities Table 

There are 10 traditional poker Hand Rankings and each of them has a certain probability of falling out. Moreover, it depends not only on the combination itself, but also on the round in the game. Below you will find a table that displays the probability percentage of a particular Hand at different stages of the game.

Royal Flush0,000154%0,005%4,256%4,348%
Straight Flush0,00139 %0,0012 %4,25 %4,35 %
Four of a Kind0,02 %0,25 %2,12 %2,17 %
Full House0,14 %0,09 %12,77 %19,57 %
Flush0,1965 %0,84 %19,15 %19,56 %
Straight0,39 %1,30 %16,90 %17,20 %
Three of a Kind2,1128 %11,8 %4,26 %4,35 %
Two Pair4,7539 %16,7 %19,15 %19,57 %
Pair42,2569 %28,6 %12,77 %13,04 %
High Card50,12 %67,70 %87,23 %86,96 %

Quick Overview of What Beats What in Poker

BeatsBeaten By
Royal Flush beats EverythingNone of the hand beats a Royal Flush 
Straight Flush beats a Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush
Four of a Kind beats a Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush
Full House beats a Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind
Flush beats a Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House
Straight beats a Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush
Three of a Kind beats a Two Pair, One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight
Two Pair beats a One Pair, High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind
Pair beats a High CardRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair
High Card only beats the low cardsRoyal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair

Tied Poker Hands

In poker, ties are determined based on the Kicker or the Highest poker side cards, if the combinations are otherwise identical. Here is a table explaining how ties are handled for each type of hand:

Royal FlushSplit pot (all Royal Flushes are identical)
Straight FlushHighest top card wins, if identical, split pot
Four of a KindHighest set of four wins, if identical, highest Kicker wins
Full HouseHighest three-of-a-kind wins, if identical, highest pair wins
FlushFlush with the Highest card wins, if identical, next highest card determines winner, and so on
StraightHighest top card in the Straight win, if identical, split pot
Three of a KindHighest set of three wins, if identical, highest Kicker wins
Two PairHighest Pair wins, if identical, second highest Pair wins, if still tied, highest Kicker wins
PairHighest Pair wins, if identical, highest Kicker wins
High CardHighest card wins, if identical, next highest card determines winner, and so on

Poker Hands for Texas Hold’em, Omaha and more

Different types of poker, such as Hold’em, Omaha and others, use the same basic rules for ranking combinations, but the way combinations are formed may differ. Here is an overview of how combinations are made and ranked in some popular types of poker.

Texas Hold’em

In Hold’em, each player is dealt two face-down cards and uses five community cards to make the best five-card hand. Thus, the combination is built from five cards using any combination of open and community cards.


In Omaha, each player is dealt four face-down cards, and he must use exactly two of them in combination with three of the five community cards to make the best possible hand.

Seven-card Stud

There are no community cards in the Seven-card stud. Each player receives seven cards, three hole cards and four face up. The best combination of five cards is used.

Exceptions to the Poker Hands Chart

In fact, there are few exceptions. But here are some of them:

  • In a type of game like Omaha, players must use exactly two hole cards and three community cards to make a combination;
  • In a type of game as a Seven-Card Stud, players collect combinations of 7 cards available in their hands.

What Beats What in Poker Calculator

The What Beats What in Poker calculator is a useful tool for determining the winning combination in various poker scenarios. This tool allows you to enter combinations and automatically determine the winner. Use our PokerListings Hand Calculator and quickly determine which is better than anything else, without having to figure out the basic mechanics of the game.

Which hand wins calculator preview

Test Your Poker Skills Online for Free

So you now know the poker hand rankings by heart or maybe you printed our PDF document and you would like to test your poker skills against other poker players? Well the good news is you can always test your skills online at low stakes, but on real money poker sites. All good poker sites also have play money modes where you can play without having to risk your own money. Most of them will also offer freerolls where you can win real money without risking anything at all.


How many cards are in a poker deck?

A standard deck contains 52 poker cards, consisting of four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit has 13 ranks: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.

What is the best hand in poker?

The best poker hand is the Royal Flush, which consists of the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 of the same suit (A K Q J 10 ).

What is the worst poker hand?

The worst hand in poker is the High Card, where none of the cards form any combination. The value of the hand is determined by the highest card.

How many poker hands are there?

There are 10 Hands in total in traditional poker.

Is one suit ranked higher in poker?

No, suits do not have any rank over one another in standard poker games. All suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) are equal.

What is the order in which hands are ranked?

You can find the full list of poker hands ranked in order in our guide. And here is a brief poker cheat sheet from best to worst: royal flush, straight flush, four of a kind, a full house, a flush, a straight, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, high card.

What is a kicker in poker?

A kicker is a side card that helps determine the winner in a tie situation where players have the same hand rank. The highest Kicker decides the winner.

What happens if two poker hands are the same?

If two hands are identical in rank and value, the pot is split evenly between the players.

How are ties broken in poker?

In the event of a tie, it is broken using Kickers or Side cards

Do poker hand rankings vary in different poker games?

The basic hand rankings are the same in the most poker variants, such as Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and Seven-Card Stud.

How to calculate the probability of poker hands?

The probability of poker hands is calculated by dividing the number of ways a specific hand can be made by the total number of possible hands (2,598,960).