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Daily 3-Bet: 2nd is OK, Solve for WSOP, To Dealers w/ Love

Daily 3-Bet: 2nd is OK, Solve for WSOP, To Dealers w/ Love

Daily 3-Bet: 2nd is OK, Solve for WSOP, To Dealers w/ Love

The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a crisp black vest, a quick finger stretch and the hum of the Shufflemaster that makes the afternoon poker news world go round.

Got a hot tip for a future 3-Bet? Tweet us @PokerListings or drop us a note below.

Today in the 3-Bet we find a pretty solid consolation prize for Dan Ott, Solve for Why recaps the WSOP and we remember to tip our dealers.

1) It’s Good to be Dan Ott

As the legendary Dale Earnhardt once said, there’s a school of sports bro-dom that prescribes to the idea that “second place is the first loser.”

Dan Ott IMG 9147
Weep not for Ott.

We here at PokerListings are not in that silly group of bros.

Second place is awesome.

We dream of finishing second. All day, erryday.

In anything.

If that “anything” happens to be the WSOP Main Event and earns us $4.7 million?

We would legally change our name to First Loser and live happily till the end of our days.

So while Scott Blumstein enjoys his well-earned $8.15m and his year as Poker Champion of the World, life ain’t so bad for Dan Ott, either. 

Seems like he’ll be enjoying himself just fine, tyvm.

2) The Summer According to Solve for Why

If you read our recent in-depth interview with poker pro Matt Berkey you know his innovative approach to poker training has garnered a huge network of followers in a short period of time.

Solve for Summer.

There’s a good reason for that. Along with his cohorts Jordan Young and Christian Soto they’re bringing an earnest, creative and multi-tiered approach to learning poker that is satisfying and successful on a number of levels.

As you might expect, the S4Y team spent the summer in Las Vegas doing what poker pros do best – play big poker tournaments.

A 3rd-place for Berkey in the $1,111 One Drop and a 2nd for Young in a $1,500 NL event were obvious highlights but there was plenty more to talk about along the way.

Thankfully, they chronicled their journey for their fan and student base and the resulting Vlogs are a great snapshot of what the WSOP grind is like for a top poker pro.

Watch the latest episode below and stay tuned for more episodes later in the week with hand breakdowns from Berkey’s run in the One Drop.

3) Thank You, Dealers

We’ll stop short of calling them “heros” but make no mistake: a major poker series like the WSOP – or a comparatively tiny one like the Battle of Malta – can’t happen without the extraordinary efforts of the support staff, from the TD on down to the hot dog cart vendors.

Bubble Time 2016 Main Event 2
Can’t play without ’em.

And it just doesn’t function at all without the passion, dedication and talent of the dealers who make it all go.

Yeah; there are a few “incompetent” dealers you’ll come across from time to time. But the majority, by far and away, go above and beyond just slinging the cards and counting out change.

If you’re one of best at your craft – like the irreplaceable Shaun the Dealer – you get to shuffle and deal for events like the WSOP Main Event, and while the cameras might keep you in the background the quality of your work is upfront for all to see.

But whether they’re at the top of their game or dealing the Daily Deepstack, they definitely deserve our respect for allowing us to play the game.

Respect to all the dealers out there; we appreciate the effort you put in day in, day out. And don’t forget to tip in your local card room when you get home.