
#ThanksGG – $100 000 in Daily GGPoker Flipouts

#ThanksGG – $100 000 in Daily GGPoker Flipouts

As if we already didn’t know, it’s become evident that GGPoker really cares about their players. The biggest poker site in the world can look back at a very successful year of 2023 filled with awesome promotions, for example, the GGPoker welcome bonus and the Bounty Hunter Series that was one of the best online poker tournament series of the past year.

GGPoker only continues their quest on becoming the undisputed online poker site for all poker players, and they are certainly heading in the right direction. Through their promotions GGCare and GGCheers, they are watching out for their players by giving away $100 000 in Daily Flipout tournaments. It’s hard to say anything else than #ThanksGG!

What Is GGCare?

Supposedly, there are not many poker players who haven’t got their aces cracked by kings at least one time throughout the years. Let’s be honest: there are few feelings in poker that are worse than when something like this occurs. Luckily, GGPoker are there for you.

GGCare is an initiative by GGPoker that automatically activates after you have encountered a bad beat. Directly after you’ve been sucked out (which inevitably happens in poker) you’ll automatically be entered into the #ThanksGG Daily Flipout event, a Flipout tournament that runs every day and has a prize pool of $100 000.

GGPoker  #ThanksGG

The best thing about the #ThanksGG Daily Flipout tournament is that you don’t even have to be there. A Flipout tournament is one where each player is automatically forced all in each hand. After your bad beat, there may be a chance that you don’t feel like playing another poker tournament. Thanks to the flipout format, you can log off from the GGPoker client, go to sleep, wake up the next day and be greeted by free money on your GGPoker account. Truly a unique feature!

What Is GGCheers?

Alright, but what if you’re on the other side of things? There’s no better feeling than having a good session at the poker tables, making strong hands and scooping big pots. This is where GGCheers come in. The concept is really the same as for GGCare: when you win big, you’ll automatically be entered to the flipout. Same deal as before – do your thing, take a walk with the dog or clean the kitchen, the flipout tournament does all the playing for you. If you’re lucky when you wake up the next day, you might find that your winnings have increased even more.

GGPoker #GGCheers

#ThanksGG Flipout

There are some things worth knowing about the #ThanksGG Flipout tournaments. Not all players in the tournament will start with the same stack. GGPoker has done a great job with setting up GGCare and GGCheers, and the algorithm will actually analyze the pot size and severity of your cooler or suck-out. This will then determine how many chips you’ll go into the flipout with.

If you have more than one hand during your poker session that would be sick enough to qualify you for the flipout, you’ll simply get more chips on your stack.

There’s really no question about it: these are great initiatives by GGPoker. GGCare will surely be a lifesaver for many players and calm the inevitable tilt that can occur when facing a bad beat!