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Online Poker Pro Mazurite Rebuilding Career in BC Paradise

Online Poker Pro Mazurite Rebuilding Career in BC Paradise

Online Poker Pro Mazurite Rebuilding Career in BC Paradise

Brandon Rollinson is working his way back up in the online poker world and he’s doing it from one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Rollinson plays online poker under the screen-name Mazurite and right now he’s earning a living from his computer in Blind Bay, a small town on Lake Shuswap about five hours from Vancouver.

We met Brandon While shooting a documentary on Jordan Drummond, a Vancouver-based poker pro who finances around 100 other poker players around the world to play online poker tournaments too.

When Brandon started out playing online poker he was backed by a guy named Nick Immekus that lived in the US. That was in 2011 and the timing was unfortunate.

When Black Friday shut down online poker in the US, Nick was forced to move to Canada. He moved in with Jordan and Brandon decided to join them.

The Highs and Lows of Online Poker

In this short documentary we explore the highs and lows of a young person moving to the big city for the first time with freedom and money, and the unique experience of making a living battling other poker players daily on the internet surrounded by other people passionate about doing the same thing.

Jordan Drummond Doc Coming Soon!

Stay tuned in the next couple weeks for our upcoming short documentary on Jordan Drummond, one of the biggest backers of online poker players in the world.

We followed Jordan and his team of close to 100 poker players through the Spring Championship of Online Poker, one of the biggest series of online poker tournaments of the year.

During SCOOP Jordan and his team could win or lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. We wanted to find out how a 28-year-old deals with that kind of pressure and what he does to maximize his chances of success.

In this documentary we speak to members of Jordan’s team from all over the world, his business partners and his wife who’s expecting their first child this summer.

We also explore the world of staking in poker by looking closely at one of the biggest backing operations in the world. And Jordan not only finances his players, he also coaches and mentors them to become better poker players and successful people.

It’s a fascinating business and we get an inside look thanks to Jordan and his team. Watch the video on Brandon Rollinson above and follow on Twitter to find out when our new documentary is released.