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PokerListings Ranking Series on 888poker

PokerListings Ranking Series on 888poker

From March 28th until May 31st we will run our own tournament series on 888poker: The PokerListings Ranking Series. Over 4 tournaments we guarantee $2,000 prize money and add an €800 package The Festival Series in Tallinn. Find all details below.

How to participate?

To participate in our series, you need a real money account at 888poker. Simply sign up via the link below. You can find our tournaments in the tournament lobby and the passwords are listed below.

Once you play one of the events you will automatically take part in our leaderboard ranking.


28-Mar20:00Pokerlistings Ranking Series$5.50$500
05-Apr20:00Pokerlistings Ranking Series$5.50$500
03-May20:00Pokerlistings Ranking Series$5.50$500
31-May20:00Pokerlistings Ranking Series$5.50$500


Each tournament has a buy-in of $5.50 and allows one rebuy during the 60-minute late reg phase. A prize pool of $500 is guaranteed for each event and the best player in our leaderboard ranking wins an €800 package to The Festival in Tallinn.

The package contains buy-in to Pokerlistings Deepstack Championship and 3 nights at hotel Radisson Olumpia for two including breakfast.

  • Tournament structure: 10min lvls
  • Starting stack: 3.000 chips (AO 5.000)
  • Late reg: 60min

PokerListings Leaderboard


The series contains 4 tournaments and for each placement at the final table, a player receives points based on below:

  • 1st           100p
  • 2nd          80p
  • 3rd           60p
  • 4th           50p
  • 5th           40p
  • 6th           30p
  • 7th           20p
  • 8th           10p

If several players end up with the same points after the 4 tournaments then the following criteria will decide the winner:

  • a) number of participants in the tournament/s where the affected players have received most points
  • b) highest total placement/s in all tournaments
  • c) raffle between affected players

Play with us!

To join the PokerListings Ranking Series click to sign up below.

» More about 888poker

While the series is running on 888poker.

Terms and Conditions

PokerListings, as the organizer of the ranking series, has the right to have the final decision which is indisputable.

The package can’t be traded against money or tournament dollars. However, you’re allowed to sell or give the package to someone else and we can help you find someone if needed.

Input, feedback, or questions can be e-mailed to [email protected].