
Pokerlistings Championship – Will You Become Our Next Top Dog?

Pokerlistings Championship – Will You Become Our Next Top Dog?

It is the month of March, many people have already packed their bags for their upcoming summer vacations. People can’t wait to leave for the sunny south from the cold places where they live. Escaping reality a bit, searching for comfort and relaxation. Not sure where you want to go yet? Don’t worry, PokerListings just might have the right match for you with their very own live poker Championship. This time held at Portomaso Casino on the sunny island of Malta!

Qualify Yourself Already on PokerStars

Since the last edition at Dusk Till Dawn Pokerclub in Nottingham (UK), PokerListings partnered with PokerStars to offer qualifiers on their site. With an extremely fine structure with deep stacks and fine blind levels, a low buy-in of only $22, you can easily secure your upcoming poker trip in advance due to travel. PokerStars is still THE concept in the poker world, with huge player pools from all around the world. A perfect environment for poker players to make it happen. That one-timer will be coming soon and might set you on a plane to St. Julians, Malta.

PokerListings Championship satellites every Tuesday, 20:05 CET.
Satellites are available every Tuesday, 20:05 CET

The PokerListings Championship takes place from 14-17 May, with an amazing total of three starting flights and one final day. The package is worth $620, inluding hotel and the buy-in of the event. With only $22 to enter, the satellite is available for any kind of bankroll, and with 1 rebuy and 1 add-on as a backup to build up a monster stack, the chances of winning a package will suddenly become very realistic. Hereby more information about the package:

PokerListings Championship PokerStars qualifier.

PokerListings Championship Package $620

  • 3-night hotel in Malta for two people.
  • Buy-in to PokerListings Championship worth € 250.
  • All breakfasts included.

Top Results of Previous Editions of Pokerlistings Championship

Colin Lovelock.
Colin Lovelock – PokerListings Champion of Nottingham.

Location: Banco Casino, Bratislava (Slovakia)

  • Buy-In: €220
  • Entries: 194
  • Prize Pool: €36.860
1Jeraint James HazanUnited KIngdom€ 7,375.00
2Dan Gunnar Joakim OlinSweden€ 7,000.00
3Yannick Werner Gia SchumacherGermany€ 4,425.00

Location: Olympic Casino Hilton Park, Tallinn (Estonia)

  • Buyin: €250
  • Entries: 252
  • Prize Pool: €54,432
1Kalle LySweden€10,736
2Antony Jay KauzloricEstonia€10,736
3Richard KoppelEstonia€6,560

Location: Banco Casino, Bratislava (Slovakia)

  • Buy-In: €250
  • Entries: 140
  • Prize Pool: €29.925
1Manuel BlaschkeAustria€7,335
2Michele MarziItaly€4,565
3Mathijs RustNetherlands€3,665

Location: Dusk Till Dawn Pokerclub, Nottingham (UK)

  • Buy-In: £120
  • Entries: 140
  • Prize Pool: £37.151
1Colin LovelockUnited Kingdom£5,020
2Russell BowmanUnited Kingdom£5,225
3Jeraint “JJ” HazanUnited KIngdom£3,856

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