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More Gold Chips Fun at Juicy Stakes Poker

More Gold Chips Fun at Juicy Stakes Poker

Flexibility and choice make life easier, and real money online poker is no exception. The more choice an online poker room gives its players, the more user-friendly the overall experience becomes. 

For their part, the progressive Juicy Stakes Poker is enhancing its poker offering by giving players the option of using Gold Chips to enter the popular $10,000 Myriad Bounty tournament.

How to Collect Gold Chips

The so-called Gold Chip program provides a key way in which Juicy Stakes Poker rewards player loyalty. Essentially, when you play for real money at this online poker room – which has quickly earned a deserved ‘player-friendly’ reputation – you will pick up Frequent Player Points (FPP). Note that this facility is available to everyone, whether you prefer to hit the No-Limit Hold’em and Omaha cash tables, quickfire Sit & Go games or it’s online poker tournaments that float your boat.

FPPs accumulate to become Gold Chips, which in turn are redeemable for cash, free entry to tournaments such as the Gold Chip Nugget $500 GTD fixture or, with this latest tweak, the $10,000 Sunday Myriad.

Juicy Stakes Poker Sunday Myriad.

Players even get a choice as to what level of Gold Chip Bonuses they want! These are:

  • $5 for only 20 Gold Chips
  • $25 for only 100 Gold Chips
  • $100 for only 400 Gold Chips

Bonuses are paid out in $5 increments and are credited to your account, the exchange process of FPPs to Gold Chips being automatic, accumulated FPPs turning into Gold Chips at a rate of 100 FPP = 1 Gold Chip.

Bubble Protection

Meanwhile, don’t forget to take advantage of the excellent Bubble Protection facility at Juicy Stakes Poker! The idea is simple but effective (and, for many, attractive) – when you register for an eligible tournament before the start time you’ll automatically qualify for Bubble Protection so that, should you finish ‘on the bubble’ and thus just out of the money, your buy-in and entry will be returned to your account!

Keep an eye out in the Poker Lobby for tournaments marked Bubble Protection Enabled and you’re good to go!

Juicy Stakes Poker Bubble Protection.

Would you like to broaden your poker horizons while adding to your bankroll? Have a look at the latest online poker bonuses and offers in our special PokerListings info section. Good luck at the tables, and have fun!