The second Day 1 flight of the World Series of Poker Europe main event went off in London Sunday without British high-stakes pro and legendary trash talker Luke “__FullFlush1__” Schwartz.
Schwartz apparently can’t play because he’s been barred from all British casinos.
But that didn’t stop the outspoken Londoner from dropping by the Casino at the Empire to rail the action and a few horses he’s put in the event.
“It’s bullshit,” Schwartz said. “There was something at the Vic [London’s Grosvenor Victoria Casino] ages ago when I wouldn’t take off my hat and now I’m nationally barred from all the casinos. But I’ve just snuck in and won about five grand on the roulette.”
The brash 25-year-old burst onto the high-stakes online poker scene earlier this year posting significant profits against the likes of Tom “durrrr” Dwan, David “Raptor” Benefield and Phil “OMGClayAiken” Galfond.
But he’s perhaps best known for the often visceral brand of trash talk he brings to the chatbox online.
Schwartz has verbally attacked just about everyone who’s crossed his path, but he seems to have a particular dislike for Dwan.
“I don’t like seeing durrrr just own off the poker world and just win all the money from all the other fish,” he said. “I don’t mind if Patrik [Antonius] and [Phil] Ivey win. I just can’t stand durrrr. I can’t stand durrrr’s face, durrrr’s voice, and durrrr’s eyes. I can’t stand anything about durrrr.
“He’s just an arrogant social retard. He’s spastic. There’s not much more to say than that.”
Schwartz takes particular issue with how he believes Dwan built his bankroll, claiming his money was made chiefly from beating Cirque du Soleil founder and reported high-stakes fishGuy Laliberté out of millions.
“He thinks he’s the best, but he’s just so annoying,” Schwartz said. “People just don’t even realize if Guy had not existed in this poker world, durrrr would be nowhere.”
Although he’s particularly vocal regarding his distaste for Dwan, the online phenom doesn’t appear to be his only target.
Some of the biggest names in the game turned up for Day 1b of the WSOPE main event, including four-time WSOP bracelet winner Daniel Negreanu, 2008 WSOPE main event champ John Juanda and 2000 WSOP Main Event champ Chris “Jesus” Ferguson.
But Schwartz’ respect for poker’s elite players seems limited as well.
“All these big players that you hear of, like Negreanu and all these old guys, they all won when there was better fish around – that’s why they’re famous,” he said. “Obviously they did well and took advantage of poker when it was easy, but now it’s tough. It’s fucking hard to win now.”
In recent months, the name __FullFlush1__ has been missing from the high-stakes games on Full Tilt Poker.
Schwartz says he withdrew most of his winnings from the site and because of a $5,000 per day and $15,000 per month limit on deposits, and a bit of a bad run trying to spin up the relatively small deposits into a sufficient bankroll for the bigger games, he’s been forced to take his action elsewhere and avoid any confrontations with his nemesis Dwan.
Dwan is currently in London taking part in several events, including Matchroom Sports’durrrr Million Dollar Challenge, where he will take onSammy “any two” George and a series of players yet to be named in 500-hand live heads-ups matches with a $500k buy in.
But Schwartz said he is unlikely to challenge his rival there.
“I’m not much of a live player and sitting down with $500,000 is obviously quite deep, so it’s not the first thing that comes to my mind,” he said. “But I would like to do a challenge with him of some sort at some stage quite soon.”
It appears more likely that he will eventually meet Dwan online in Full Tilt’s 50,000 hand durrrr Challenge, although Dwan is still in the midst of taking on Antonius and Schwartz isn’t quite sure he’s ready.
“I’d like to do that,” he said. “I’d do that right now at $100/$200 with durrrr snap, but $200/$400 is a bit much. I suppose I could do that with my roll right now, but I’d feel like I was short if I started getting stuck right away.”
Both players are set to take part in the PKR Heads Up Grand Slam in London beginning Oct. 8 and will meet there if they both reach the semifinals.
Anxiously awaiting the start of that, Schwartz sounded more than eager to get a shot at Dwan no matter where it is.
“I’ve smashed him,” he said. “I’m up like 600 grand on him online. I would be up 800 grand, but we did these 200 grand flips when I was tilted one day and he won both of them. I kill this guy. This guy is like an autistic retard. If you just get a little bit into his head he can’t deal with it.
“I’m sending him broke before the end of 2010. That’s my goal.”
For more from Day 1b of the WSOPE main event and beyond, including chip counts, photos and live updates, click through to PokerListings’ Live Tournaments page.
User Comments
FULLFLUSH is an arrogant British clown. How can $200/$400 be too high if he is that much better than Dwan? Wouldn’t he be eager to sit down with him and clean him out to the felt? He hasn’t done it because he is obviously scared silly. Mr. Fullflush is all talk. Not intelligent talk mind you, but talk. He really ought to consider shutting his wordhole.
HEY RETARDS.. I will challenge any of you railtard noncecakes any day of the week. I am the bizniz from lundon and own you all. I got me new howse and flash motor and now everyone thinks I got a big tool. Still got me lezbian titties but what the hell I can take on anyone.
FULL FLUSH is a poker pro,for you bunch of toolbars asking who is he?Some of the comments sunds like your having sex with Durr?So fcuk if he chooses not to play 200/400 or whatever,the guy fkn explains why.
And for the record Durr is for sure a pre op transexual.
Schwartz is a total donk who has a pea for a brain. Durrrr would wipe him out in one session and boy would I love to be there when it happened.
calling durrrr an autistic retard just made this guy sound like a tool..he needs to man up if he wants to be anyone in this poker industry and start acting and talking like the real pro’s.. Ivey and Doyle and Antonius ..these guys would never bash another player like that
I like full flush as a player, he is excellent heads up and would give anyone a good game there. I would also say its entertaining a bit of trash talk etc but I think he takes it way too far and is far too offensive with some of the words he uses particularly.
I think the guy needs to grow up a bit, give him five years and he will be embarrassed by some of the things he has said if he matures, starts a family etc.
On the playing side of things though, like I said I think the guy is an excellent player, one of the best around heads up for sure but he needs to tone down his insults a bit. I used to hate Dwan too but the more I have seen him I have to say though a bit up his own he has serious balls and must be a nightmare to play against and he does have a sense of humour too.
I just wanted to say I’m 8’4 and 92 lbs, I’m the current samurai champion of the world and own at least five train stations.
Since FF cashed out his money and bought a house, I’m not realy sure what you’re talking about grinder007?
Maybe you should check your facts before you rap off?
Your are all just complete nonce cakes and railtards. Your just jelous of me cause ive got the jakeys on… woteva!!!
FF – since durrr & everyone else have spanked you for your bankroll how do you plan on sending durrr home broke ? You should change your handle to FR (free-roll) instead of fullflush since the pro’s busted you
Who damn is Fullflush?Stop to discuss about this idiot,he is not a poker player,but a clown instead.He can be good in some circus!
Fullflush1???????HAHAHAHAH!Don’t make me laugh!My child 2 years old can defeat him easily
I played with FullFlush,he is very feeble player,can’t be considered a pro.He is complete garbage
I cant stand dwan. The guy is a suck out artest. Raising with 5 3 and flopping a boat, yeah thats brilliant to some of you. Its just outrageous luck to anyone who knows the game.
And to Lane. I meet you the other day, you are 4’3″ not 6’5″. Atleast you didnt lie about your weight cause you are 235 lbs.
And to clear up the issue, Lane was in the nut house because he thought he owned it. LMAO.
Lane’s daddy is Pee Wee Herman.
Last comment for now. Dwan is a suck out donk. Just take a look at the hands he shoves all in with. Its easy just look at the times he’s in the highest hands played section. In fact take a look at all of those guys and you will see they play the game like its a free roll or play money. Shoving in is all they know and hope to get lucky. One of these days it will come down to the last moron standing who shoved all in with 7 2 off and won it all.
Lol. He said he is not much of a live player. Wtf? He won’t amount to much then if he can’t show his skills on tv. Tries to talk shit and hide behind his monitor. He don’t play live because he would get bitch slapped. Why would you want to be known as an asshole rather than a skilled poker player? Douche bag
this guy is such a pussy. $200/$400 a bit TOO HIGH???? those stakes are TOO LOW for dwan.
$500,000 TOO HIGH? Dwan can afford $500,000 any day.
Why not verse Dwan for your bankroll then mr fullflush? He’d be happy to oblige.
Dont know to much about this full flush guy just what i have read. All i can say is ” dont talk about it, be about it ” Talk is cheap but if thats what your goal is for 2010 then good luck. Also some trash talk i think is good for the game. I mean what do u think Phil hellmuth and mike the mouth do, maybe they are more established in the poker world but does that make it ok. You be the judge..
I think the guy is just jelious of durrr…i have been watching him play on tv and he gets lucky and he wins on bluffs too…and they are pros and not beginners…i think it is envy and he wishes it was him that was playing like that…
too bad fullflush is busto…
didnt even have enough money to come to wsop to play cash games and was too embarassed to play lower stakes
And he’d actually have to play durrr once in a while to get him broke. Talking trash yet not willing to play at the stake of that person is… absurdly pathetic.
Get money on FTP you pussy.