
Enter WCOOP 2020 With $80 MILLION GTD for Just $1

Enter WCOOP 2020 With $80 MILLION GTD for Just $1

Enter WCOOP 2020 With $80 MILLION GTD for Just $1

PokerStars has launched WCOOP 2020 – its huge flagship online series with $80 MILLION guaranteed across 75 events. Pokerlistings players get to play an exclusive $1.10 satellite tourney for a $5,200 WCOOP main event ticket. 

WCOOP 2020 – The World Championship of Online Poker is the granddaddy of all online poker tournament series. Pokerstars have continuously set the bar since the initial 2002 event, and this year’s no exception. It’s not only the most lucrative event yet, but also diverse – so players can prove their wits in many different variants. Including: NLHE KO, PLO, 6+ Holdem, 2-7 Draw, HORSE, 5-Card Draw, 8-game, Razz, Badugi, and Stud Hi-Lo. This is why Pokerstars is the place to be right now – until September 23 at least. 

If you register for Pokerstars, you can participate in 3 special satellites for just $1. The top 25 players from each of the three tournaments will automatically enter the main event satellite for a $5,200 ticket. Otherwise, you can earn a $5,200 main event ticket for Sept 20 through qualifying MTTSs and S&Gs from $4. Or just buy-into the main event directly. 

To be eligible for our special tournaments, you need to sign up to PokerStars via the banner below
(if you haven’t already) and have made a deposit of at least $10 in 2020:

Save These Event Dates

Top 25 players in each event get tickets credited into their account for the main event satellite. The buy-in to tournaments 1, 2, 3 are with ticket only, but re-buy costs $1.10. Meanwhile, buy-in to the Main Satellite is either through qualifying from tournaments 1, 2, 3 or directly buying in with a ticket + $16.50 buy-in.

Rebuy Tournament 1: Friday 4th September – 14:00 UK Time

  • Freeroll – 10-min reg
  • 1,500 Chips
  • Re-buy ($1.10) first 60 minutes
  • Add-on 2,000 chips: $1.10 ($0.98+$0.12)

 Rebuy Tournament 2: Wednesday 9th September – 14:00 UK Time

  • Freeroll – 10-min reg
  • 1,500 Chips
  • Re-buy ($1.10) first 60 minutes
  • Add-on 2,000 chips: $1.10 ($0.98+$0.12)

 Rebuy Tournament 3: Friday 11th September – 14:00 UK Time

  • Freeroll – 10-min reg
  • 1,500 Chips
  • Re-buy ($1.10) first 60 minutes
  • Add-on 2,000 chips: $1.10 ($0.98+$0.12)

Main Satellite: Wednesday 16th September – 14:00 UK Time

  • Additional Buy in: $16.50 ($14.70 + $1.80) – 10-min reg
  • 10,000 Chips
  • Re-buy $16.50 ($14.70 + $1.80) first 120 minutes
  • Add-on 15,000: $16.50 ($14.70 + $1.80)
  • Prize: Entry into main event : 10 x $5,200.

Main Event $10M GTD: Sept. 20 at 13:05
WCOOP 72-H | $5,200 NLHE [8-Max NLHE Main Event]
Those who don’t qualify will be credited a ticket if they buy-in

Sign up and Register Here:

New WCOOP 2020 Stuff!

“This year we are excited to bring players our biggest WCOOP ever, as well as adding extra excitement and value into the mix,” said Managing Director and Commercial Officer of Poker at PokerStars, Severin Rasset. “We want to give players of all levels the opportunity to become a champion, so there will be lots of ways to get in on the action. Plus we’re particularly excited about setting poker fans up for the coming year with our new Slam Packages.”

These NEW Slam Packages guarantee automatic entry into 2021 SCOOP, WCOOP, and Stadium Series Main Event. For 15 weeks, there will be a special Sunday Slam tournament where you can win one of these. So on top of your WCOOP 2020 title, you’d get the chance to attempt a triple series win for free. 

Meanwhile, there’s $1.5 million in WCOOP tickets in the NEW WCOOP Sweepstakes. Rizes. Including at least three $5,200 Main Event tickets daily. You can enter the Sweepstakes from August 30 to September 20 if you take part in a WCOOP tournament. But you can earn plenty, because the more tournaments you play, and the higher the buy-in, the more entries you get.

WCOOP Schedule Highlights

  1. Buy-ins and Guarantees: All events feature Low $55, Medium $530, and High $5,200 buy-in tiers for the freezeout Main Events on September 20. There will be $1.25 million, $2 million, and $10 million guaranteed, respectively. Throughout the series, buy-ins range from $2.20 to $25,000. Three Phase tournaments are currently running and will continue until Sept 21.
  2. Player of the Series: It’s all about the glory (and the money). Players will be able to battle it out for the Player of the Series accolades in leaderboards for Low, Medium, High and Overall champions.
  3. WCOOP Fast Track: This awards at least five Main Event High seats daily until Sept 20. To be in with a chance of winning the Main Event seat, players can complete the four-step qualification route starting from just $1 or buy-in at a higher step.
  4. WCOOP Giveaways: PokerStars School will award WCOOP tickets in regular giveaways.

Register for Pokerstars & Your $1 Qualifier Here: