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Annie Duke fired on Celebrity Apprentice final

Annie Duke fired on Celebrity Apprentice final

Annie Duke fired on Celebrity Apprentice final

Annie Duke was fired from her job on Celebrity Apprentice Sunday night, but at least her charity walked away a winner.

Joan Rivers and Annie Duke went to battle for the final time Sunday, tasked with organizing a VIP party and silent auction fundraiser for their respective charities.

The project leaders had to organize the event, procure donations for the auction and get celebrities to attend. They also had to help promote Kodak as the sponsor of the event.

As she’s done all season, Duke clearly out-fundraised Rivers in the final task, raising $465,725 for her charity, Refugees International.

Rivers managed to pull in $150,830 for God’s Love We Deliver.

In all, Duke told PokerListings she raised more than $730,000 for Refugees International during Celebrity Apprentice this season.

Bad Beat for Annie Duke on Celebrity Apprentice

Looking back, Duke said she is going to take two things away from her experience on the show.

Annie Duke
It appeared Rivers was more convincing.

One is the friendships she formed and the reminder of how solid her friends in the poker world are.

“The second is the tremendous amount of awareness and money raised for my charity,” Duke said.

But fundraising wasn’t the only criteria for winning the final challenge and becoming the latest Celebrity Apprentice. The final task was judged on five criteria, of which Duke won just two.

With Rivers able to claim a win on the final task, the only thing left was for the two women to have their chance in the boardroom to defend themselves and give reasons why they would be the better apprentice.

Duke was confident she had done the better job throughout the season. She’d raised the most money and won both of the tasks where she was project manager before losing in the final.

She said she wasn’t surprised when Rivers was hired and she was fired, but there were quite a few stunned TV viewers who were, claiming Trump showed favoritism or that he simply chose the person with the biggest celebrity profile.

Celebrity Apprentice may have been a bad beat for Duke, but she’s already well on her way to bouncing back.

She was in Boston Monday hosting a Children’s Hospital of Boston fundraiser. Next she’ll be jetting back home to California for a little break before the start of the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas at the end of the month.

During the WSOP, Duke also plans to continue her charitable work with the Third Annual Ante Up for Africa Celebrity Charity Poker Tournament July 2.

“Refugees International is a small charity, and the awareness for the charity from me being on Celebrity Apprentice is huge,” Duke said.

“I hope it will also help my efforts with Ante Up for Africa, which Refugees International has partnered with.”

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