The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a ticket to Oprah, a buzz in the air and the sudden realization your afternoon poker news dreams are about to come true.
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Today in the 3-Bet we find Scott Blumstein’s friends getting paid alongside him, opportunists try to cash in on Blumstein’s win and Kitty Kuo gets followed.
1) Best $ is Shared $
Two weeks ago, as 2017 WSOP Main Event champ Scott Blumstein told Kara Scott under the glare of the ESPN lights after his win, he was just a kid from New Jersey who loved poker.
Now, at least for the next year, he’s poker’s World Champion. And he’ll get to enjoy all of the spoils that come with it – in particular the $8.15m first-place prize.
Even better? All of his friends get to enjoy their own poker-rags-to-riches moment along with him.
As is common convention Blumstein sold some shares in his action before the Main Event but, as Darren Rovell wrote in ESPN this morning, he chopped his action into some very small pieces so his friends could share in it, too.
Like $60 small. At least four of Blumstein’s friends from Temple University got to put down $60 and watch their pal turn it into a $40,000 share for each of them. Even his dad got into the action, Blumstein said, selling “a half a percent to the owner of a bagel shop.”
“A friend of my grandfather’s,” Blumstein added, “who is 93 and plays poker, had 2 percent.”
Former WPT winner Asher Conniff had a more conventional share – 3% for $420 – and took back $244,500.
However much Blumstein eventually pockets himself after taxes and backers, we imagine it’s only a small piece of the satisfaction of having his friends and family live out his dream with him. Congrats again to the champ! Enjoy every moment!
2) Perfect Greetings!
While Blumstein and his family and friends were off celebrating his victory some ambitious scammers, user “Swag *Official*” posted on the twoplustwo forums, wasted no time trying to get their own share of Blumstein’s haul.
How so?
With a Nigerian prince-style email scam offering up ONE MILLION DOLLARS of Blumstein’s haul out of the kindness of their own hearts. They might want to go back to the drawing board with their approach, though, as you can see from the email:
“Scott Blumstein <“SCOTT.”>
3:54 pm (2 days ago)
“Perfect Greetings,
“My name is Scott Blumstein the current winner of New Jersey World Series of Poker, $8.1M, and I bring to you a perfectly good news for such a perfect timing as this. I know this is surprising for you to have received this email from me.
“But because of my good heart and all your support and good will towards me during all the time of the game and also how excited I am, so i am willing to donate £1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) to you and as part of my effort to alleviate poverty and care for the less privileged around the world, I have decided to donate to just 15 people around the globe which you are a part of.”
Good luck with that, scammers.
3) How Long, Kid Poker? How Long?
Congratulations, Kitty, on a dream fulfilled. One day we’ll get ours. One day.
Took me 8 years and finally my poker idol follows me today 🙂
— kitty kuo thomas (@kittykuopoker) July 24, 2017