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Daily 3-Bet: Ivey Appears, WCOOP Tears, I WONT MILLION

Daily 3-Bet: Ivey Appears, WCOOP Tears, I WONT MILLION

Daily 3-Bet: Ivey Appears, WCOOP Tears, I WONT MILLION

The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a million-dollar baby knocking out the champ with an uppercut in the 12th round of the afternoon poker news prize fight.

Any suggestions for a future 3-Bet feel free to drop a note in the comments.

Today in the 3-Bet we find Phil Ivey materializing among the field in a £100k UK High Roller, Jerry Wong taking a brutal beat in the WCOOP main event and another new poker meme is born.

1) Ivey Materializes at Aspinalis Club £100k High Roller

The always elusive Phil Ivey, who is yet to respond to accusations levied against him last week by Howard Lederer, has moved from the 2012 WSOPE in Cannes to London today to play an exclusive £100k High Roller tournament at the Aspinalis Club.

While it seems engineered in some way by the Crown Casino in Melbourne and high rollers Paul Phua and Richard Yong, it’s not clear how the event came about but Jim Preston, Director of Crown Poker, is on the scene and giving updates.

According to Preston’s tweets, the usual suspects are involved again:

@kevmath Ivey, Phua, Yong, Seidel, Shak, Gruissem , JC Tran Nam Le still in . Out Trickett, Reinkemeier , Shakerchi, Kurganov— Jim Preston (@jimpreston111) September 25, 2012

The field is currently down to about 10 players with Shak and Seidel the latest to drop.

Prize money is £1 million for first, £570,000 for second, £330,000 for third and £200,000 according to Preston.

Follow Preston for updates here.

2) Jerry Wong Brutally Bounced From WCOOP Main Event

Want to know how a horrific beat on the cusp of the biggest online final table of the year and within spitting distance of $1.6 million feels?

Try a taste of it from poker pro Jerry “hummylun” Wong, who was brutally bounced in 11th place of the WCOOP main event last night.

Said Wong shortly after:

did i really just lose one million us dollars in equity to some idiot on the river?— Jerry Wong (@HumLun) September 25, 2012

Needless to say, sympathy from his peers followed:

Amazing run in WCOOP Main Event comes to a brutal unfair end….Group cry @humlun@vinpahuja @highlandfox #agkfdlkjfdlkdjldfjlfkjflkdldkg— Mike Leah (@GoLeafsGoEh) September 25, 2012

Just saw my buddy @humlun take one of the most disturbing beats I’ve ever seen to take 11th in the #WCOOP main.— Shane Schleger (@ShaneSchleger) September 25, 2012

See the full WCOOP Main Event final-table report here.

3) Russian Micro Grinder maratik: I WONT MILLION

Play $2 SNGs, profit.

As if satelliting from a 100 FPP qualifier all the way to the WCOOP Main Event title wasn’t enough, Russian micro grinder maratik cemented his place as the most revered WCOOP winner ever by unknowingly creating the next great poker meme.

Down to just 700k in chips at one point and barely hanging on at the final table, maratik repeatedly asked for a deal only to be ignored.

After getting hit with the deck and building up to about 4m, Maratik then doubled through chip leader Mike “munchenHB” Telker to somehow find himself just off the chip lead.

When talk of a deal then got serious at six players, what did maratik do? He typed “I WONT MILLION” into the chat box.

Yes. Yes he did.

He didn’t get it in the deal but by winning the title and the extra $100k he did, in fact, walk away with a million. That plus the undying envy of micro-grinders everywhere.

Be prepared to see I WONT MILLION everywhere for the next while – or at least until maratik blows his new roll in $5k turbos. Then expect to see it even more.

Behold his amazing game report to the right.