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Daily 3-Bet: Full Tilt Casino, Costanza No-Go, N9 Who’s Who

Daily 3-Bet: Full Tilt Casino, Costanza No-Go, N9 Who’s Who

Daily 3-Bet: Full Tilt Casino, Costanza No-Go, N9 Who’s Who

The PokerListings Daily 3-Bet is a handwritten letter from an old flame hidden in the mailbox among the discount meat flyers and overdue electric bills.

Any tips or suggestions for a future 3-Bet, drop a note in the comments and we’ll check it out.

Today in the 3-Bet we find the new Full Tilt Poker taking a gamble on its players’ interest in, err, gambling, Jason Alexander rationalizing his brief and catch-phrase-heavy go at this year’s Main Event and a closer look at the nine names now engraved in poker history.

1) New Full Tilt Poker Bets On “Casino Style” Games

We knew the post-Black Friday poker landscape would look a little (or a lot) different than, well, anything we’ve seen before but Full Tilt Poker with casino games?


Always bet on roulette.

Hard to imagine that one but, according to Eric Hollreiser, Head of Corporate Communications for the Rational Group, the rumors are true. Full Tilt Poker is expanding into “casino style” games. Said Hollreiser in an email to PokerListings:

“The Rational Group intends to expand our product offering to include casino style games on Full Tilt Poker. While adding new games, we remain committed to building our leadership in poker with PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker and continuing to deliver the highest quality poker experience to players.

“These new games on Full Tilt will provide more gaming options with the same high quality player experience, integrity, security, safety and support that players have come to expect from our brands.

“PokerStars will continue to offer a poker-only experience. We are not providing any additional details at this time.”

Three-card poker? Pai Gow? Punto Banco? Wheel of Fortune slots? We don’t know for sure, but it’s an intriguing development to say the least.

2) Jason Alexander: Catch Phrases and Painful Exit at 2013 WSOP

Jason Alexander

Serenity now.

A short-lived run in the Main Event is painful for any poker player.

But how about if you had to listen to your own Seinfeld quotes forced into table talk the whole time as your chip stack slowly melted away?

We wish that on no one. But unfortunately for Jason Alexander, aka George Costanza, that’s one of the costs to play every year.

Alexander described it in detail in a nice two-part post about his experience this year on An excerpt:

“I usually don’t know anyone at my table. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a ranked pro there, it just means I don’t know them.

“For a guy who loves poker, I don’t follow the news too closely since this isn’t how I make my living. There could be a European champion to my left; to me he’s just a guy named Klaus.

“But people know who I am, and they will talk to me. Usually it starts with Seinfeld quotes.”

You can probably guess which ones.

3) So Who is Ryan Riess Anyway?

Ryan Riess

Riess the beast.

Unless you’ve been drifting down the Mississippi on a raft or been on an 80-day hot-air-ballon trip around the world you’re likely aware this year’s edition of the November Nine was set late Monday night.

While you may know a few things about JC Tran or David Benefield or Mark Newhouse it’s a whole new group of poker players to get to know (and pick a favorite from) before it all plays out this Fall.

So who are they? Check our first-look bios of all the WSOP Main Event final tablists right here:

  • JC Tran
  • Jay Farber
  • Michiel Brummelhuis
  • Marc McLaughlin
  • Amir Lehavot
  • David Benefield
  • Sylvain Loosli
  • Mark Newhouse
  • Ryan Riess

Check our WSOP video section here shortly for sit-downs with all of the final nine.