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Celebrate Cash Games Happy Hour at Juicy Stakes Poker 

Celebrate Cash Games Happy Hour at Juicy Stakes Poker 

Rewarding poker players for their loyalty has been a key feature of real money online poker right from the beginning, with a points-based system established as convenient for both an operator and its customers. Of course, an increasingly competitive market means online poker providers must enhance their offers now and then, resulting in welcome extras for players.

For their part, Juicy Stakes Poker are doing their bit as they continue to attract poker fans across the spectrum that ranges from newcomers and recreational players to no-nonsense, serious grinders. Juicy Stakes uses so-called Frequent Player Points (FPPs) as loyalty rewards, and players can earn them when grinding away at Texas Hold’em or Omaha cash tables, battling it out in online poker tournaments and via selected Juicy Casino games.

Triple Your FPPs During Happy Hour

The latest promotion at the impressively user-friendly Juicy Stakes is Happy Hour, which gives players a chance, during specific periods, to earn FPPs at triple the speed!

Promotions that require players to do nothing more than have fun at the tables are arguably the best kind, and this fits the bill perfectly. Cash games players can take advantage every day between 8-14 May when, during Happy Hours, you can earn extra FPPs on top of what you’d normally earn while playing. And there’s no limit on how many FPPs you can earn!

Happy Hour: How It Works

As with all good promos, it couldn’t be simpler. All you need to participate in Happy Hour is to be logged in during the designated time period – start playing, and you’re good to go! Earning your extra FPPs during cash games is automatic.

Happy Hours run between 4-7pm ET (8-11pm GMT) and 10pm-1am ET (2am-5am GMT), and featured Happy Hour tables include Zircon 6-max and 9-max 25c/50c NLHE, as well as Amethyst 6-max and 9-max 25c/50c PLO.


  • Runs from 8-14 May inclusive
  • 2x 3-hour Happy Hour periods of 3x multiplied/Turbo FPP
  • Periods are 4-7pm ET (8-11pm GMT) and 10pm-1am ET (2-5am GMT)
  • Promotion applies only to 6-max and 9-max 25c/50c NLHE (Zircon) and PLO tables (Amethyst)

$4,000 FPP Race

Every week Juicy Stakes gives away $4,000 via a special FFP Race. These run from 1st-7th, 8th-14th, 15th-21st and 22nd-28th every month, with the top 100 players awarded their share of $4,000.

Note that while racking up your FPPs you’ll also be building your player rewards stack, including Gold Chips and Loyalty Levels. Juicy Stakes uses the Dealt Rake model, meaning that players are included in the rake calculation for any hand in which they have been dealt hole cards.

Juicy Stakes Poker FPP Race.

At PokerListings we’re well aware that players have limited time to seek out the best deals, so we’ve compiled a list of the latest online poker bonuses and offers in our dedicated info section.

Good luck at the tables, and have fun!