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Badabing! There’s Still Time to Secure Your WPT World Championship Package to Las Vegas!

Badabing! There’s Still Time to Secure Your WPT World Championship Package to Las Vegas!

We’ve officially passed the halfway mark in one of – if not the best – campaigns we have ever run on PokerListings. That being said, a player is still far away from being guaranteed the win, and there are still a lot of important leaderboard points to be collected. That means that the $12 400 WPT World Championship package is still up for grabs, even for players that have not yet played any of the online poker tournaments in PokerListings Vegas Series, a series of tournament that will see one lucky player claiming a ticket for the poker experience of a lifetime!

Next PokerListings Vegas Series on Thursday October 26th

With the first tournament being held August 17th, PokerListings partnered up with WPT Global earlier this year and decided to treat poker players with maybe the best opportunity ever to be offered. Through the eight tournaments in the series, the top nine players will compete for important leaderboard points on each of the tournament’s final table. After the last tournament in the series, which will be held November 23rd, those who are top 27 at the leaderboard will advance to the grand final (date yet to be announced). The one who fins the grand final will be awarded with a package to the WPT World Championship Package, worth a staggering $12 400!

The WPT World Championship will be played in Las Vegas this December, and with its $10 400 Buy-In, we are surely to expect one of the most intriguing live poker events of 2023. Except for the Main Event Buy-In, the package also includes $2 000 to help the winner with travel expenses, a sum surely big enough to cover flights and accommodations.

The next opportunity to compete in PokerListings Vegas Series is on Thursday October 26th. The tournament has a $20 Buy-In and will start 18:00 GMT/20:00 CET. The password for the tournament is badabing.

PokerListings Vegas Series Tournament Schedule:

Augusth 17th (passed)
August 31th (passed)
September 14th (passed)
September 28th (passed)
October 12th (passed)
October 26th
November 9th
November 23rd

In the current leaderboard standings, we see “Kairaajaa” and “hiltim” sharing the first place spot with 25 500 points each. However, as previously mentioned, there are still a lot of points to be distributed. Considering this, it’s most definitely possible for a “dark horse” to enter the race with three tournaments remaining and claim a top 27 spot and thus be qualified for the grand final event, which will see one lucky player being sent to Las Vegas for the tournament of their dreams.

As previously mentioned, the tournament password is “badabing”, and the tournaments are of course being played over at WPTGlobal. Be sure to mark October 26th in your calendar: this is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on!

Good luck to all players participating in the recommended tournaments in the PokerListings Vegas Series!