
All Eyes on Sofia Lövgren

All Eyes on Sofia Lövgren

Sofia Lövgren is a poker professional from Gothenburg, Sweden and an Ambassador for 888poker. Sofia mainly likes to play cash games and according to Hendon Mob has accumulated $482,624 in Live earnings. We caught up with her after her return home from the WSOP in Las Vegas.

You just returned from playing at the WSOP. How was it being back in Vegas after a couple of years?

It was a great feeling. Vegas is my favorite stop of the year because of the big variety of games. Endless cash games and tournaments every day. WSOP is a poker experience like no other. I loved being back!

Did you feel a difference this time round with Covid?

Very few Europeans made it over because the borders were closed so fields were a bit softer than usual. Then of course everyone wore masks which added a strange feeling.

Was it nice to have the chance to see some friendly faces and gather together with players again at poker’s biggest event?

Yes the atmosphere during WSOP is the best. It was great to chat and see some friends at the tables again. I was missing this!

Did you manage to visit anywhere else in Vegas or see any shows whilst you were there?

I went to Lady Gaga’s show one night and it was totally amazing!! Really recommend seeing it if you are in Vegas now.

You once said that Poker is your favorite hobby as all you need is your laptop to start working.

What’s been your favorite destination to play poker in?

I have to say Vegas and Los Angeles are my number one choices. Endless games, great food, and entertainment. In Europe I really love the Merit Crystal in North Cyprus. Great poker tournaments, cash games, wonderful food and the hotel and casino is located right by the sea.

Has travelling and playing poker now become more restrictive due to Covid?

Yes, it’s really messy to fly because of Covid. PCR tests and quarantines make it tougher.

How did you cope during lockdown and in which country did you spend it in?

 I live in Singapore but decided to move back to Sweden for one year during Covid. Lately, I’ve spent more time with my parents and siblings in Gothenburg. I was playing more online poker and doing work from home. I also love being home, playing online poker in my pajamas.

With everyone being locked up at home what did you turn to in order to keep yourself sane?

I spent even more time cooking and focused on fitness. I love doing yoga, jogging, and dancing.

 Other than Poker what else do you get up to in your free time?

I spent a lot of time doing fitness, cooking, baking, and reading books.

The Road to Becoming an ambassador for 888


In 2010 you signed a sponsorship contract to become the first woman to join Team PKR.

How did this make you feel as a young 20-year-old?

It was very exciting. After I finished high school I had already decided to take a year off to try to start playing poker full time. I’m very adventurous and love challenges and to work for a poker site, while doing what I love the most, playing poker and travel, is a perfect combination.

Just 4 years later you became part of the 888poker Team Pro and a regular face on the poker circuit.

Have you ever looked back at the choice you made to leave PKR to join the 888 team?

I had an amazing time working with and for PKR. Then 888poker is one of the leading poker sites in the world, so it felt like a good step forward to join 888poker. I have enjoyed every year working with 888poker and they are taking great steps forward. The poker site is developing and 888 is doing exciting and great live events and promotions now. I am proud to work for 888.

What’s been the highlight of being part of the 888 Team Pro?

I love my role on 888 and I feel grateful to work with so many talented, bright, and nice colleagues. It’s a pleasure to work with them.

Women Empowerment in the Game

You took part in Girl Got Game back in 2016 where a team of 8 women showcased their skills in both mental and physical challenges.

What was the hardest challenge you faced during the documentary series?

Probably eating crickets and worms. Not a big fan of eating insects…

Did you find it more challenging competing against an all women team?

Some of the girls in the challenge are also my good friends. It was a fun experience. When it is a challenge, I always do my best to win. But I don’t mind seeing friends win, as I’m very happy seeing my friends victorious and becoming successful!

You recently played Event #22: LADIES No-Limit Hold’em Championship at the 2021 WSOP. What’s your thoughts on women only tournaments?

It is a fun tournament. Definitely louder than other events. I think it is a nice way to attract more women to the game. Poker is still so male dominated, and when girls hear there are female events, they might be tempted to play just because of that.

Playing Live & Online Tournaments

Do you prefer to play real money poker online or at live events?

Sofia Lovgren at the WSOP 2021

I prefer live poker. I like when I can interact and hang out with poker players. I have met so many nice people and friends through poker. It is so nice and interesting to talk to people from all corners of the globe. I learn something new every time!

Does your strategy change when playing online vs live tournaments?

The game differs a little, but the biggest change is that I try to get reads on players when I play live. I like this aspect of the game when you can talk to players and can try to get a read on them.

During live events how do you keep yourself both mentally and physically fit to stay in the game?

I love starting the day with some exercise while listening to my favorite music. It gives me so much positive energy and focus!

What’s the biggest bluff you have ever done and was it successful?

 I love bluffing with 72ss. I have made many big bluffs with this hand.

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