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$15 Million, 65-Event Turbo COOP Returns Jan. 18-29

$15 Million, 65-Event Turbo COOP Returns Jan. 18-29

PokerStars’ annual TCOOP series arrived on the scene back in 2012 to join the SCOOP and WCOOP as one of online poker’s must-play events.

In 2017, that’s still the case.

The sixth edition will run from January 18-29 with another fast-paced schedule of 65 events and $15 million in guaranteed prize pools.

The $1,000 TCOOP Main Event will wrap things up on Jan. 29 with a $2.5m guarantee.

If things go like last year, though, when Dinesh ‘NastyMinder’ Alt took home just south of $400k for the title, players can expect another final table with $1.5m+ to spread around.

Low Buy-Ins, Big Variety

As usual the TCOOP will offer up a wide variety of poker variations and buy-in levels with 5 or 6 new events running daily.

dinesh alt

Last year’s TCOOP ME champ Dinesh Alt.

The $215 No-Limit Hold’em Turbo Kickoff event will start things off at 8 am Jan. 18 but action will be fast and furious from then on.

Hold’em, Omaha, Stud, Win the Button, Progressive Knockout, Bubble Rush, Zoom, Hyper-Turbo, Ultra Deep … whatever your preference you’re likely to find it.

TCOOP buy-ins run as low as $7.50 but come in a wide range with tons of options in the $27-$82 range. 

TCOOP satellites start even lower from just $0.11 or 1 StarsCoin and run virtually around the clock on the PokerStars client.

Check the full schedule for the 2017 TCOOP below and look in the ‘Events’ > ‘TCOOP’ tab in the PokerStars lobby to find the list of satellites and events.

Search for ‘TCOOP’ via the ‘More’ menu in the mobile app if that’s where you’re looking.

If you’ve yet to sign up for a PokerStars account, check out our PokerStars review for an exclusive download link and player perks.

Event #NameDateTimeTotalGuarantee
01NL Hold’em [Turbo, Ultra-Deep, Kickoff]18-Jan (Wed)08:00$215.00$750,000
02PL Omaha Hi/Lo [8-Max, Progressive Knockout (50%)]18-Jan (Wed)10:00$82.00$75,000
03NL Hold’em [Turbo] 18-Jan (Wed)12:00$82.00$200,000
04NL Hold’em [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)]18-Jan (Wed)14:00$27.00$150,000
05NL Hold’em [8-Max, Turbo, Bubble Rush]18-Jan (Wed)16:00$82.00$100,000
06NL Hold’em [Turbo, Progressive Knockout (33%)] 19-Jan (Thu)09:00$215.00$400,000
07PL Omaha [6-Max, Win the Button] 19-Jan (Thu)11:00$82.00$50,000
08NL Hold’em [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive Knockout (100%)] 19-Jan (Thu)13:00$82.00$200,000
09NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Turbo] 19-Jan (Thu)15:00$82.00$75,000
10NL Hold’em [Turbo, Fat Thursday SE]19-Jan (Thu)17:00$320.00$500,000
11PL Omaha [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 20-Jan (Fri)08:00$82.00$75,000
12NL Hold’em [6-Max, Turbo, Shootout] 20-Jan (Fri)10:00$82.00$75,000
13NL Hold’em [Turbo, Win the Button, Rebuys] 20-Jan (Fri)12:00$27.00$150,000
14NL Hold’em [Fast Friday SE, Zoom]20-Jan (Fri)14:00$320.00$500,000
15Stud Hi/Lo [Turbo] 20-Jan (Fri)16:00$82.00$25,000
16NL Hold’em [Turbo, Zoom, Ultra-Deep] 21-Jan (Sat)10:00$700.00$400,000
17NL Hold’em [8-Max, Big Splash] 21-Jan (Sat)12:30$    7.50$200,000
18NL Hold’em [Turbo, Heads-Up] 21-Jan (Sat)14:00$215.00$150,000
19NL Hold’em [Turbo] 21-Jan (Sat)15:30$82.00$150,000
20NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo] 21-Jan (Sat)17:00$82.00$50,000
21NL Hold’em [Turbo, Saturday Speedway SE] 21-Jan (Sat)18:30$27.00$100,000
22NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 22-Jan (Sun)10:00$215.00$100,000
23NL Hold’em [6-Max, Bubble Rush] 22-Jan (Sun)11:30$215.00$300,000
24NL Hold’em [Players’ Voice Event]22-Jan (Sun)13:00$215.00$250,000
25NL Hold’em [Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 22-Jan (Sun)14:00$700.00$1,000,000
26PL Omaha [3-Max, Zoom, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 22-Jan (Sun)16:00$82.00$100,000
27NL Hold’em [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, Sunday Supersonic SE] 22-Jan (Sun)18:00$215.00$400,000
28PL 5-Card Omaha [6-Max, Turbo] 23-Jan (Mon)08:00$82.00$50,000
29NL Hold’em [3-Max, Turbo, Zoom, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 23-Jan (Mon)10:00$82.00$150,000
30FL Omaha Hi/Lo [8-Max, Turbo] 23-Jan (Mon)12:00$82.00$50,000
31NL Hold’em [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, 10-Stack] 23-Jan (Mon)14:00$215.00$250,000
32NL Hold’em [Win the Button, Bubble Rush, Progressive Knockout (75%)]23-Jan (Mon)16:00$27.00$75,000
33NL Hold’em [Little Splash] 24-Jan (Tue)09:00$27.00$150,000
34PL 5-Card Omaha Hi/Lo [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 24-Jan (Tue)11:00$82.00$75,000
35Stud [Turbo] 24-Jan (Tue)13:00$82.00$25,000
36NL Hold’em [8-Max, Turbo, Ultra-Deep]24-Jan (Tue)15:00$700.00$500,000
37NL Hold’em [Fat Tuesday SE]24-Jan (Tue)17:00$320.00$500,000
38NL Single Draw 2-7 [Turbo] 25-Jan (Wed)08:00$82.00$25,000
39NL Hold’em [6-Max, Turbo, Shootout, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 25-Jan (Wed)10:00$215.00$100,000
40PL Omaha [6-Max, Turbo]25-Jan (Wed)12:00$700.00$200,000
41NL Hold’em [Turbo, Big Antes] 25-Jan (Wed)14:00$82.00$200,000
42NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Final Day 1]25-Jan (Wed)16:00$27.00$250,000
43NL Omaha [6-Max, Progressive Knockout (50%)]26-Jan (Thu)09:00$82.00$75,000
44NL Hold’em [6-Max, Splash] 26-Jan (Thu)11:00$11.00$150,000
45Razz [Turbo] 26-Jan (Thu)13:00$82.00$25,000
46NL Hold’em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive Knockout (50%)]26-Jan (Thu)15:00$700.00$750,000
47NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Turbo] 26-Jan (Thu)17:00$27.00$100,000
48NL Draw [Turbo] 27-Jan (Fri)08:00$82.00$25,000
49NL Hold’em [6-Max, Turbo] 27-Jan (Fri)10:00$215.00$300,000
50NL Hold’em [Turbo, Ante Up, Progressive Knockout (50%)] 27-Jan (Fri)12:00$215.00$150,000
51FL Hold’em [6-Max, Turbo] 27-Jan (Fri)14:00$82.00$25,000
52NL Hold’em [Progressive Knockout (33%)]27-Jan (Fri)16:00$700.00$750,000
53HORSE [Turbo] 28-Jan (Sat)10:00$215.00$50,000
54PL Omaha [Turbo, Heads-Up] 28-Jan (Sat)12:30$215.00$75,000
55NL Hold’em [Turbo, Mix-Max, Part 1: 9-Max] 28-Jan (Sat)14:00$82.00$200,000
56Players’ Voice #2 [non-NLHE]28-Jan (Sat)15:30$82.00$25,000
57NL Omaha Hi/Lo [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, Ultra-Deep, Win the Button] 28-Jan (Sat)17:00$215.00$75,000
58NL Hold’em [Turbo, Saturday Speedway SE] 28-Jan (Sat)18:30$82.00$200,000
59NL Hold’em [Turbo, Ultra-Deep] 29-Jan (Sun)08:00$215.00$300,000
608-Game [Turbo] 29-Jan (Sun)10:00$700.00$100,000
61NL Hold’em [8-Max, Turbo, High-Roller] 29-Jan (Sun)11:30$3,000.00$2,000,000
62NL Hold’em [Turbo, Final Day 1] 29-Jan (Sun)13:00$27.00$1,500,000
63NL Hold’em Main Event [Turbo] 29-Jan (Sun)14:00$1,000.00$3,000,000
63-LNL Hold’em Main Event [Turbo, Low-Stakes Edition] 29-Jan (Sun)14:00$27.00$300,000
64NL Hold’em [6-Max, Big Splash]29-Jan (Sun)16:00$11.00$200,000
65NL Hold’em Wrap-Up [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, Ultra-Deep] 29-Jan (Sun)18:00$700.00$500,000