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$10 000 000 in GGPoker Giveaway; Bad Beat Jackpot Improved

$10 000 000 in GGPoker Giveaway; Bad Beat Jackpot Improved

There’s no doubt about it: the GGPoker train just keeps on rolling through the poker landscape. You can really tell how dedicated the GGPoker crew is, as their innovation skills are remarkable. They always managed to keep the community on their toes and whatever GGPoker decides to initiate, it’s basically always a smash success.

Today, we will take gander at the new improved GGPoker Bad Beat Jackpot. We’ll also see how players can get their slice of the $10.000.000 in the February Giveaway. Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Bad Beat Jackpot Rebirth

It’s never fun experiencing a bad beat in poker, but sometimes it’s inevitable. Thank the lucky stars GGPoker are there for us and now, the GGPoker Bad Beat Jackpot has received a facelift meaning there will be more Bad Beat Jackpot winners than ever before.

The Bad Beat Jackpot is very simple. When you lose the pot with the second best hand, you will be rewarded 10% from the Jackpot fund. The player who finds himself on the better end of the hand will receive 3%, and all other players who contributed to the pot in one way or another will be entitled to 0,8 %.

Bad Beat Jackpot – Triggers

Hold ‘Em Rush, Cash Hold ‘EmLose with AAATT or better
PLO Rush, Cash PLOLose with 2222 or better
PLO5Lose with 8888 or better
Short DeckLose with 6666 or better

Three conditions must be fulfilled in order for the Bad Beat Jackpot to be in play:

  1. The hand must go to showdown.
  2. Both the winner and the loser must use both hole cards (two hole cards for PLO/PLO5).
  3. For winning/losing with quads, pocket pairs are required.
GGPoker Bad Beat Jackpot Rebirth 2024

There are few feelings in poker that’s worse than experiencing a bad beat. GGPoker making life easier for their players is nothing new and their improved Bad Beat Jackpot is surely an appreciated feature on the site.

$10 000 000 in the February Giveaway

Let’s go from one sweet deal to another. On a monthly basis, GGPoker are distributing a lot of funds to their players through giveaways. Now in February – the month of love – the monthly giveaway sum is a whopping $10.000.000! By participating in selected GGPoker promotions, players can get their share of the monthly giveaway.

In the February giveaway, there’s twelve promotions to choose from. One of these is the GG Daily Freebie and this one is ridiculously simple to participate in. You simply login to your GGPoker account each day and you will get a new reward. These can then be used to play two of GGPoker’s most popular games. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays will give you a Spin & Gold ticket, whilst the other days will see you receive a Battle Royale ticket.

GGPoker Daily Freebie

Another interesting promotion out of the twelve is the Rush & Cash Prize Booster. A daily leaderboard is running throughout February and players can collect points by playing Rush & Cash. By securing a top place on the leaderboard, you could earn up to $10.300! Pro tip: play Rush & Cash during “Happy Hour” (22:00-23:59 UTC-8) in order to collect twice the amount of points!

As previously mentioned, there are twelve poker promotions total in the February Giveaway; make sure to browse through all of them and see which you find the most attractive!