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2022 Kings of Tallinn – Side Events

2022 Kings of Tallinn – Side Events

PLO Championship Running Now 16.09.2022 16:55 by Jason Glatzer

The two-day €1,100 PLO Championship is fully underway and as of Level 5, there were 18 entries with 15 players remaining. If you miss the action on this event today, you will still be able to enter during the first blind level of tomorrow with today playing out eight levels and late registration open for nine levels.

Coming up in an hour is the two-day €660 Mystery Bounty event which will play 14 levels today and allows for unlimited re-entries during the seven-level late-registration window.

Cash Games Running Around the Clock 16.09.2022 16:16 by Jason Glatzer

The cash games have been running around the clock in the casino since the Kings of Tallinn began. Whether you are looking to play €1/€2 or a bit higher, there will be a game for you with NLHE, PLO, and mixed games all available.

One player on his way to play cash games is Tallinn regular and Finnish poker author Aki Pyysing. Pyysing is normally seen playing tournaments but he shared with PokerListings that he can’t play any multi-day events so he will go back to his roots and play some Omaha cash games.

Click here to sign your name on a cash game list.

Team Competition Update 16.09.2022 13:44 by Jason Glatzer

The Team Challenge has just been updated for all events completed from yesterday or earlier. Both ‘Timon Pojat’ and ‘Black hill Pedro’s’ are sitting above 70 points with ‘Rex Populi’ not too far behind in third place.

Timon Pojat74.54Akseli Timonpoika Paalanen22.72Iikka Ilari Tahkokallio11.78Heikki Juhani Piira28.71Arto Ilmari Loikkanen11.32
Black hill Pedro´s71.13Henri Mikael Schalin10.36Veli-Pekka Antero Alakorva6.6Heikki Ilmari Heinonen8.6Jussi P. K. Mattila45.57
Rex Populi64.56Mati Pirn11.35Rain Mölderkivi24.65Tapio Ilmari Aaltonen18.66Marek Selgeveer9.91
Matti myöhäiset58.12Matti Tapani Lasanen5Jukka Ilmari Juvonen8.16Onni Ensio Huttunen6Jari-Pekka Juhola38.97
Duces of Tallinn56.98Adam Samir Kharman8.38Zachary Nicholas Duce5.51Rasmus Sepping43.09Michael Jürgen Behnert0
TEAM JUSTE53.48Modestas Kryzanauskas6.67Mantas Ungulaitis11.11Audrius Laimelis29.03Justina Andriukeviciute6.67
HopFlops52.71Arto Antero Lehtonen39.24Sami J. A. Tuomaala12.47Aki Wassholm0Samuel Petteri Saariaho1
Queens of Tallinna52.33Jarkko Juhani Suokas17.65Julius Kasperi Kettunen13.92Joel O. I. Holmberg17.77Daragh Davey3
Smells Like A Team Spirit50.41Emmi L. A. Juutilainen8.38Henri Tapio Juutilainen5.5Karl Johan Karlsson32.53Ilari Aaretti Sahamies4
Fish And Chips44.04Rytis Ruksenas6Kaspars Grigunas5.28Laurynas Cerniauskas28.76Ricardas Lukauskas4
Hurjat nuoret43.58Atte Oskari Franssila9.38Max August Avela6.98Roope O. O. Tarmi5.26Nicolai Henriksen Vold21.96
Kingsltu36.09Vincas Tamasauskas0Algimantas Markaitis0Arunas Garunkstis0Albert Ostrovskij36.09
MehedMetsast35.23Andrei Mjagkov21.19Toomas Hunt4Maksim Petrov4Dmitri Dudakov6.04
The Firing Squad33.39Aasmund Jonassen Holvik17.29Kurt Andre Skimmeland3.83Dragan Gali7.26Gunnar Wedde5
Bababoeys Masterclass23.52Aleksi Mikael Naski3Pekka Samuli Ikonen5.64Henri Mikael Väisänen11.88Jaakko Petteri Tirkkonen3
Kettu21.8Risto Olavi Pönniö3Tuomas Antero Röppänen8.4Juho Oskari Härkönen5.5Ville H. J. Konttinen4.89
Team BOOKIE20.58Alessandro Angotti3Matteo Liparulo7.62Alessandro Cislaghi2Daniele Venditti7.95
Rosaspatupelo19.55I Roura Adria Comas8.9Lianes Alex Podadera3Amat Victor Prior Fernandez7.65IÑIGO NAVEIRO MARTIN0
DeMorelizers18.51Marius Morel4Igor Pihela Junior0Igor Pihela3Tarmo Tammel11.51
Team snotty17.57Ronny Albrigtsen8.57Ant Gökcek4Edgars Beizaks50
Italy & friends17.31Luca Beretta7.32Mattia Manzolini6.23Jaana Kindsigo0Jimmy Philippe Dewerdt3.76
JarmoJengi17.29Osku Kalle Karttunen3.81Phenporn Laatikainen2Johan Mikael Martinsen5.95Jarmo Juhani Salonen5.53
AC Milan16.94Martynas Racinskas1Aleksandras Rusinovas5.77Algirdas Saveikis10.17Arturas Dauksevic0
68suitti16.08Timo Johannes Ruuska2Jari M.J. Mähönen2Tomi Tapani Arponen3Jyri Tapio Merivirta9.08
Queens Of F***ing Everything16Anne Elisabeth Bezdek4Catlin Müür3Christel Haller2Evy Lovtangen Albrigtsen7
TWAIN.SPORT12Vygerdas Jonikas4Liutauras Armanavicius3Vytautas Kacerauskas4Vitalijus Briazkala1
Fesk11.06Jahn-Eric Yaniz Chruickshank3Agnetha J Chruickshankv0Leif Magne Anderson0Hakon Hovrud8.06
Free drinks and t-shirts <310.83Stian Lereng Edvardsen2Steffen Bakkerud1Roger Odden4.83Christian Ihlen Brunborg3
2PairHeadsup10.78Tove Janne Kristiansen3Steffen Patey Jakobsen3.78Hein Omland1Jorg Bru3
Vegas Lovers10.78Petri Antero Nikkinen2Marjo Annika Nikkinen4.78Kalle Kulju0Toni Verner Saarinen4
Foorfoor9.64Henrik P.O Kosonen3Marko Mikael Hynynen2Erik Ilmari Lehtola2.64Esa Sakari Laajakallio2
Spanish MaNiAcoS9.6Martinez Marlon Andrey Lopez5.6Olarria Daniel Contreras1Garrido Ignacio Gonzales1Susarte Jaime Cristobal Cases2
Nimeta18.64Jari A. J. Saviaho5Mette-Marica Puromäki2Sebastian Wahl2Sami Aleksi Pulliainen9.64
Ennakkosuosikit8.76Antti T. T. Ahlsten1Jani Alexanteri Tuovinen4.76Touko Teivonpoika Berndtson1Schantz Casper B. J. Von2
Karev Tralla fan club. Bring Karev back!7.1Kaspars Butans1Juris Hlibovs5.1Kristaps Zarans0Roberts Rumba1
Team Awesome7Kenneth Jorgensen1Maria Stromstad3Oystein Storskogen2Joanna Strukkerud1
Another one!5Mohammadi Masoud Mirza3Jari Juhani Lahtinen200
Norge1Orjan Buchvold1Marcus Storhaug0Ole Gunnar Landmark0Isak Aarenes0
Dudgeon0Pyry Kekäläinen0Simo Heinonen0Micke Rantanen

Field Building Nicely in the €350 OlyBet Deepstack 16.09.2022 13:22 by Jason Glatzer

The €350 OlyBet Deepstack is a two-day affair that kicked off at 1 p.m. There are already more than 100 entries with the field likely to continue to climb between late risers, eliminations from the Main Event, and, of course, re-entries.

The action today will play down to a final table of nine hopefuls with the final table being played out tomorrow starting at noon.

Unique Team Tournament at 10 p.m. 15.09.2022 18:12 by Jason Glatzer

The Kings of Tallinn boasts a new tournament in Event #17: €250 Team Tournament at 10 p.m. tonight. Kings of Tallinn Tournament Director Teresa Nousiainen shared with us a bit about the competition.

Each team consists of two to four players who must all register together at the cashier. There is one stack per team with each team starting off with 15,000 in chips. Each team must have each player play at least one blind level before late registration closes after seven blind levels. The teams decide who will play but can only swap players when the blind levels change.

Players are only allowed to talk to members of their team when not in a hand. In addition, players will earn points for their Team Challenge Team. Any team points earned will be divided by the amount of players in the Team Tournament Team.

For Example – Three players enter event #17, tonight’s Team Tournament. They will receive one point each for entering this Team Tournament, plus additional points for any cashes, DIVIDED BY THREE (because three members in this tournament).

Good Luck, enjoy, and have fun!

Final Table Time of the €250 Sviten Special 15.09.2022 17:40 by Jason Glatzer

The €250 Sviten Special that kicked off at 1 p.m. is already down to a final table of 7 players from its opening field of 31 entries. The top 4 players are each guaranteed at least a min-cash of €620 with the eventual winner going home with the €2,950 top prize along with the coveted trophy.

Simo-Pekka Aalto, Matteo Crapanzano, Antti Hakala, Arto Loikkanen, Risto Pönniö, Sampo Ryynänen, and Iikka Tahkokallio are among the players still in the mix of the title.

Fabian Bartuschk Wins €250 Mystery Bounty (€7,634) 15.09.2022 11:49 by Jason Glatzer

PokerListings will update the results of many of the side events throughout the festival. Last night provided tons of excitement with the €250 Mystery Bounty entering its second and final day.

Fabian Bartuschk outlasted a field of 280 entries to win the €7,634 top prize.

Meanwhile, the anticipation of which player would draw the mystery bounty envelope with the biggest prize of €5,000 had players on pins and needles. This wasn’t decided until there were six players left. A friend of Akseli Paalanen pulled an envelope and Pallanen not only managed to collect the third place prize of €3,180 but was awarded the biggest bounty prize €5,000 as well.

1Fabian Bartuschk €7,634
2Jari-Pekka Juhola€5,190
3Akseli Paalanen€3,180
4Tapio Aaltonen€2,440
5Dorri Jila€1,910
6Laurynas Cerniauskas€1,350
7Marek Selgeveer€1,060
8Mati Pirn€780
9Sjoerd Nikkels€570
Fabian Bartuschk Wins 2022 KoT €250 Mystery Bounty
Fabian Bartuschk Wins 2022 KoT €250 Mystery Bounty