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A.V. is living the dream

A.V. is living the dream

Level 21: 75,000/150,000 (150,000)
Entries: 29/609
Average: 4,200,000

Carlo Solazzo

We arrived at table 12 where Polish superstar Michal Czeszel was all-in for his remaining 1,4M from UTG position. His neighbour Carlo Solazzo instantly made the call by throwing in a chip. Czeszel was very enthusiastic about his hand and couldn’t keep sitting in his chair. Suddenly there was another player who moved all of his chips into the middle. It was A.V. who put his 4M chips into the middle. Which then led to Solazzo going into the tank, although he already had put in 1,4M to call the first shove, he had to make a decision for his remaining 1,8M. Eventually, he made the call and we were going to witness the biggest pot of today.

Czeszel: K Q

Solazzo: Q Q

A.V: A A

The board had to give a lot of hearts for Czeszel to stay alive. Solazzo just had one-out to go with. The flop showed 8 9 6 , which gave no help to anyone but A.V. With the 6 on the turn and the 8 on the river it became a double bust out. We are down to 29 players!

The action got real
Carlo SolazzoBUSTED – £ 1,500
Michal CzeszelBUSTED – £ 1,500