Live Blog

Tough talks

Tough talks

Level 12: 10,000/15,000 (15,000)
Entries: 53/138
Average: 520,000

I’m sitting right in the middle of the tournament area, which is fairly comfortable when being a live reporter I have to say. At the table next to me I heard a player giving some tough talks to his opponents who were in the blinds. Michal Czeszel opened up the action himself from the button to 25,000. ”You are right in the sandwich, my friend” – he said to the player in the small blind. Daniel Palsson, an ACR-Stormer wasn’t that impressed by the trash talk and made it 85,000 to go and said ”It’s just playmoney, right”, soon followed by folds from all remaining players in the hand.

Talks aren’t always justified, seeing his all time live results being nearly $80,000 is pretty impressive, but there were 71 money finishes needed for that.

Daniel Palsson360,000
Michal Czeszel300,000