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Tens Good for Huttunen

Tens Good for Huttunen

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 75/76

Outside the elimination we already reported, it has been primarily small ball early on. This is to be expected with starting players 300 big blinds deep until the first break.

Onni Huttunen just took down a small pot as follows. Marius Olsvik bet 1,100 into a pot of around 3,000 after the 5 Q Q landed on the flop. Marius Olsvik called and Vygerdas Jonikas folded. Both players checked down the 6 turn and the 3 river.

Olsvik turned over A 5 but his queens over fives. This wasn’t good enough to win the pot as it went to Huttunen instead after he turned over 10 10 for a better two-pair.

Onni Huttunen – 35,000
Marius Olsvik – 27,000