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Sviten Special Begins

Sviten Special Begins

The €230 Pot-Limit Sviten Special just kicked off moments ago with already 24 entries.

Here’s a quick tutorial for those of you not familiar with Sviten Special, a game that combines five-card draw and pot-limit Omaha.

Players are dealt five cards and there is a round of betting. Those still in the hand can draw cards if they choose and get fresh cards. A special rule applies to anyone that selects to exchange just one card. In this case, the card is dealt open for everyone to see. The player then can choose to take another card instead face-down.

Another round of betting takes place after the turn is dealt with a final round taking place after the river. The player with the best PLO hand wins half the pot with the other half going to the player with the best five-card draw hand. A scoop takes place when a player has both the best PLO and five-card draw hands.