Live Blog

Summarizing first two hours of Day 3

Summarizing first two hours of Day 3

As the feature table is being streamed, we will focus mainly on the outer table. There is an interesting line-up with three Austrian friends all next to each other, Florian Fuchs, Daniel Shaker, and Jasmine Schuster. Alongside them we have Yehuda Yosef and Rafael Rafi Ben from Israel, and the young Jukka Oskari from Finland.

Florian Fuchs is applying continuous pressure on the table and finds himself involved in many pots so far. While another active player, Daniel Shaker, cannot find any spots to join in on the action today. Yesterday, however he was in the same situation as Fuchs.

Jukka Oskari keeps himself quite, based on the poker action. One all-in he won with 9’s against the Ace-Ten from Fuchs, and celebrated very passionately.

Rafael Rafi Ben is also reasonably active involved in pots with the current chip leader Florian Fuchs, and takes down some pots here and there. Yehuda Yosef on the hand, chip leader from Day 1, keeps himself under the radar so far.