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Straight for Kharman

Straight for Kharman

Level 27: 30,000/60,000 (60,000)
Entries: 2/328

Adam Kharman limped from the button with J 2 before Kurt Skimmeland checked back his option with 6 5 from the big blind.

Skimmeland check-called his middle pair a bet of 60,000 by Kharman.

The 4 improved Kharman to a wheel but Skimmeland still had outs to get back ahead. Skimmeland bet 80,000 and Kharman called.

The A paired the board on the river. Skimmeland bet 80,000. Kharman raised to 400,000 and had Skimmeland on the ropes with just eight big blinds after his opponent called.

Adam Kharman – 9,400,000
Kurt Skimmeland – 475,000