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Stangnes Picks Off Dalgaard’s Bluff

Stangnes Picks Off Dalgaard’s Bluff

Level 2: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 175/178

Local hero Mark Vella and Christoph Moller both recently hit the rail to leave 175 players remaining out of the 178 entries and counting in the field.

In other news, Oyvind Stangnes just picked off a bluff by Soren Dalgaard as follows:

Dalgaard over-bet the 4,400 pot with the 7 9 Q 8 3 on the board with a bet of 5,200. Stangnes went into the tank while also thinking out loud.

“Maybe he missed his flush draw,” shared Stangnes.

About a minute later, Stangnes opted to call and was pleased with his read.

Dalgaard indeed bricked a flush draw with J 7 and the pot went over to Stangnes after he turned over J J .

Oyvind Stangnes – 53,000
Soren Dalgaard – 40,000