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Snowmen Good for Korgema

Snowmen Good for Korgema

Level 16: 2,000/5,000 (5,000)
Entries: 47/328

Victor Prior Fernandez Amat jammed for 46,000 from the hijack. Jaan Kõrgema called off for his stack of 35,000 from the cutoff and the cards were turned over.

Jaan Kõrgema: 8 8
Victor Prior Fernandez Amat: A K

Kõrgema won the flip and doubled his stack after Fernandez Amat was unable to connect with the 5 7 6 9 3 board. Meanwhile, Fernandez Amat is in serious jeopardy of not making the money as he was down to two big blinds after the hand.

Jaan Kõrgema – 85,000
Victor Prior Fernandez Amat – 11,000