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Schuurbiers Triples Up

Schuurbiers Triples Up

Level 8: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 197/318

Wouter Schuurbiers opened for 2,500 from under the gun. Alessandro Barone and Igor Melger both called from middle position before Karmel Tierra, who had a big six-figure stack early in Day 1c, three-bet jammed for 35,000. Schuurbiers called off for 34,000. Barone called both players and Melger folded.

Karmel Tierra: Q Q
Wouter Schuurbiers: A K
Alessandro Barone: 9 9

Schuurbiers paired his king on the K 2 4 flop. It was still a scary board for the Belgian who is frequently seen playing mixed games in Malta as both players had a flush draw and there were still two queens and two nines left in the deck. Any of these cards would have had Schuurbiers drawing dead. However, a blank 8 turn and an equally blank 2 river to triple his stack to 108,000 and send Tierra to the rail.