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Romain Nardin Wins the HORSE Event

Romain Nardin Wins the HORSE Event

Last night, Romain Nardin won the €230 HORSE Event Powered by CardPlayer Lifestyle for a tasty payout of €4,000.

Players, including this reporter, had a blast throughout the event and some players played mixed cash games shortly after busting out of the event. We will try to catch up with CardPlayer Lifestyle Founder Robbie Strazynski for his thoughts about the event.

1Romain Nardin€4,000
2Jean Guillaume Donat Gros€2,560
3Mats Karlsson€1,630
4Simon Ruckert€1,160
5Sascha Manns€848
6Martin Johansson€630
7Koen Muetstege€500
Ivonne Montealegre & Robbie Strazynski
Ivonne Montealegre & Robbie Strazynski