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Rodriguez Didn’t Get his Ten

Rodriguez Didn’t Get his Ten

Level 12: 1,500/3,000 (3,000)
Entries: 164/414

Scott Rodriguez jammed for 57,000 from middle position and was called by Giuseppe Tedeschi from one seat to the left.

Scott Rodriguez: K J
Giuseppe Tedeschi: J J

“I have overs,” Rodriguez said optimistically.

“You have an over,” Tedeschi corrected.

It was looking grim for Rodriguez after Tedeschi, who was already ahead, improved to a set of jacks after the J Q 2 flop.

“Ten,” asked Rodriguez.

A ten didn’t come by Rodriguez was still alive with four outs after the 9 landed on the turn.

“Ten, ten, ten,” Rodriguez repeated.

Unfortunately for Rodriguez, he didn’t get his ten. Instead, the 7 completed the board on the river and Rodriguez’s Day 1d run was over.

“Good game,” Rodriguez said after the hand.

Giuseppe Tedeschi – 300,000
Scott Rodriguez – 0