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Rockets for Stribrny

Rockets for Stribrny

Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)
Entries: 22/2,261

Arian Kashi opened for 650,000 from under the gun before Lukas Konecky three-bet shoved for more than 6 million from the hijack. Pavel Stribrny called off for about 5 million and Kashi folded.

Pavel Stribrny: A A
Lukas Konecky: 10 10

Stribny’s rockets held on the 3 J Q 8 J board to double his stack and leave Konecky on fumes. Konecky hit the rail the next hand to leave just 22 players remaining.

Pavel Stribrny – 11 million
Lukas Konecky – 0