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Pyysing’s Main Event Quest Concludes

Pyysing’s Main Event Quest Concludes

Level 10: 20K/40K (40K)
Entries: 63/145

Aki Pyysing was short on chips coming off the break but found a spot to potentially quadruple up if things went his way. A player opened from early position for 100,000. Johan Storakers three-bet to 385,000 and Pyysing called off for 125,000. The original player that opened, folded his hand and the dealer asked the players to turn over their cards.

Aki Pyysing: A 10
Johan Storakers: A K

Pyysing gained some outs with an open-ended straight draw after the Q 9 J came on the flop. Neither the 4 turn, nor the 7 river were helpful and Pyysing hit the rail.

Pyysing shared with PokerListings as he was leaving the tournament area that he doesn’t plan to join the turbo flight as he normally doesn’t play them. The Finnish poker legend and journalist is a man of his word, so it is almost certain that his partypoker MILLIONS Europe Main Event run is over. Meanwhile, Storakers has one of the bigger stacks in the room with 4.8 million in chips after the hand.