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Proudfoot & Luo Go To War

Proudfoot & Luo Go To War

After an open by Mitchell Hynamand a flat by Yehong Luo, Jonathan “proudflop” Proudfootwent for the 3-bet, and found two calls.

a flop of Q 10 4 saw Proudfoot c-bet, Hynam folded but Luo peeled. A Q turn saw it go check/check to a bloated pot at the 200/500 level, where there was 23k (46bb) in the middle. An A river card was an action killer, and after a relatively quick check/check, Proudfoot scooped the pot with K K .

The exact next hand after, Luo opened to 1k (2bb) and faced aggression from the MTT super pro again when he made it 4k (8bb) in the BU. David Graves cold-called in the BB and Luo called.

On a flop of J 6 3 , it checked to Proudfoot as the pre-flop aggressor who c-bet 3.2k (6.4bb) and only Luo called. A turned Q saw it go check/check and a brick river 2 saw Proudfoot go 10k (20bb). Luo sighed before finding a call, and he bested a thin value bet from Proudfoot’s J 9 with his K J .