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Playing down until we have the Final Table today

Playing down until we have the Final Table today
64Steven Taylor£800
65Marc Bolton£800
66Gareth Wright£800
67Rupinder Bedi£800
68Eugen Margarit£800
69Viktor Popvic£800
70David Clark£800
71John Whetton£800
72Sara Wickens£800
73Gerges Issa£800
74Mariusz Wiszowaty£800
75Philip Sewell£800
76Tuomas Kalvinmaki£800
77Jakub Matusiak£800
78Aaron Phillips£800
79Andras Bologh£800
80Alexandru Talica£800
81Russell Tarbox£800
82Paul Ephremsen£800
83Anders Wattengard£800
84Dmitrijs Meless£800
85Ian Vertefeuille£800
86Espen Baasto£800
87Max Maszlag£800
88Michael Skeldon£800
89Simon Wilson£800
90Callum Highley£800
91Oskar Ojaveer£800
92Carlo Solazzo£800