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Persent rivers Sootla with Runner Runner Flush

Persent rivers Sootla with Runner Runner Flush

Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 (12,000)

Entries: 50 / 648

Ranno Sootla
Ranno Sootla is not amused

It looks like Ranno Sootla’s luck has run dry after the bubble. After he lost a large chunk of his stack against Kalle Mikkonen, he now was (apparently) rivered by Jon Persent.

Sootla raised from MP and Persent called in the big blind. Flop: K 9 6 . The action went check / bet (40k) / call. Turn: 5 . Now, a 90k bet was check-called. The 7 on the river was checked by both.

Persent tabled J 9 and Sootla mucked his hand in disgust. He is below average now.

Jon Persent – 850,000
Ranno Sootla – 320,000