Live Blog

“Not a Billionaire”

“Not a Billionaire”

Level 20: 6,000/12,000 (12,000)

Entries: 49/648

Espen RIngstad
Espen RIngstad

Espen Ringstad was the chip leader at the start of day and during Day 1b joked around with the reporters and table mates about how he was a chip millionaire and then a chip billionaire to end things off.

“I am not a billionaire,” said Ringstad with a small smile after he was just eliminated as follows.

Ringstad three-bet jammed the button for less than 10 big blinds and was called by Atli Thrastarson from the cutoff.

Espen Ringstad: 2 2

Atli Thrastarson: 9 7

Ringstad’s ducks failed to win the flip and he was eliminated after Thrastarson improved to a full house on the J 4 9 9 4 runout.

Atli Thrastarson – 1,000,000

Espen Ringstad – 0