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No Re-Entry-Luck for Isberg on his 3rd Bullet

No Re-Entry-Luck for Isberg on his 3rd Bullet

Level 6: 200/400 (400)Day 1a Entries: 128/167

Taago Tamm
Taago Tamm

After busting at table 3, Kyösti Isberg re-entered a second time and was placed at table 14. His initial orbit was not a very lucky one. We just caught him lose a large chunk of his stack against Taago Tamm.

Tamm open-raised from UTG and after one caller Isberg made it 3k to go from middle position. Only Tamm called the 3-bet.

The two players checked until the river and the board read K J 9 6 7 . After Tamm checked a third time, Isberg slid out a 7k bet. Tamm thought for a while and then proclaimed: “I’m only afraid of K Q ” and called. He was correct in his read. Showdown:

Isberg: 7 4
Tamm: J 10

With his better pair Taago Tamm picked up Isbergs bluff and Fin is down to half the starting stack.

Kyösti Isberg: 14,000
Taago Tamm: 72,000