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No Music for Muzacz

No Music for Muzacz

Level 14: 5,000/10,000 (10,000)
Entries: 128/465

Bartlomiej Muzacz three-bet an opener to 105,000 from the small blind before Raul Sav four-bet shoved for about 500,000 from the big blind. The original opener folded their hand and Muzacz went into the tank for a couple of minutes before a player called the clock. Shortly after, Muzacz called off his stack of around 300,000.

Bartlomiej Muzacz: 8 8
Raul Sav: A K

Muzacz let out a loud sigh of frustration after his opponent’s ace paired up on the A 9 6 flop. Eventually, Rav improved to the nut-flush after the 4 turn and 3 river completed the board to eliminate Muzacz.

Raul Sav – 850,000
Bartlomiej Muzacz – 0