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Montagnolli Stays Alive with a Miracle River Card

Montagnolli Stays Alive with a Miracle River Card

We arrived at table #1 where Montagnolli was involved in a battle with Marco Patane. With 200,000 in the pot, it was Montagnolli who lead the flop of 5 Q A with a bet of 100,000. Patana, who was on the big blind position, opted to reraise that bet up to 350,000, which quickly got called by Montagnolli. Both players saw the Q land on the turn. Montagnolli check-raised all-in for his remaining 775,000 chips and got instantly called by Patane, Montagnolli was in bad shape:

Montagnolli: A 8

Patana: Q 9

You can see it coming when reading the title of this post…. The A arrived on the river!

Gutted feeling for Patana, and Montagnolli ramps up to over 2,000,000 chips.