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McAree Wins a Big One

McAree Wins a Big One

Niall McAreejust won a huge pot after an interesting hand versus David Docherty, and has now gone over 160k (32bb).

After opening in MP and Docherty defends his BB, Docherty went for a donk on 8 6 5 to 9k (1.8bb) and McAree raised to 29k (5.8bb), Docherty called and on the 3 turn, McAree jammed for his remaining 49k (9.8bb) and Docherty snapped called with the world draw, his A 7 against McAree’s 10 10 .

Docherty’s combo-draw, a double-gutshot and nut flush draw didn’t get there, as the 10 peeled on the river giving McAree a big pot as we have 67 left.

Niall McAree Credit: Brian Ó hÉideáin