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Lazauninkas Delivers Bad Beat to Lianes

Lazauninkas Delivers Bad Beat to Lianes

Level 9: 500/1,000 (1,000)
Entries: 140/269

Gytis Lazauninkas lost his stack he came into the day with and was reseated with 30,000 in chips at Table 1 after he re-entered. Almost immediately he got into the action and nearly doubled his starting stack at the expense of sending Alex Lianes to the rail as follows.

Lazauninkas opened for 2,500 from the hijack before he called a three-bet jam by Lianes from the cutoff for about 25,000.

Alex Lianes: A Q
Gytis Lazauninkas: K Q

Lianes was ahead but not for long after Lazauninkas connected his king n the K 10 2 flop. Lazauninkas improved to two pair on the Q turn and won the hand after the blank 8 river completed the board. Lianes re-entered after his bad beat.

Gytis Lazauninkas – 55,000
Alex Lianes – 30,000

Gytis Lazauninkas
Gytis Lazauninkas