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King-Four Suited Gets the Job Done for Muller

King-Four Suited Gets the Job Done for Muller

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 37/37

Sascha Manns opened for 300 from the hijack and was called by Viktor Eriksson from the small blind. Alfred Muller three-bet to 600 from the big blind and both Manns and Eriksson called.

Eriksson and Muller checked the 6 7 K flop before Manns fired out for 1,000. Eriksson folded and Muller called. Muller checked the 8 turn. Manns bet 2,000 and Muller called to see the 6 river. Muller fired out for 2,000 and Manns quickly called.

Muller turned over K 4 to win the hand with the top pair. Manns shook his head in disgust as he flashed the table Q Q .

Alfred Muller – 35,000
Sascha Manns – 25,000