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Kalle Ly Will Try Again After a Bad Beat

Kalle Ly Will Try Again After a Bad Beat

Level 5: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 102/124

During the last The Festival Series in Tallinn, Sweden’s Kalle Ly won the PokerListings Deepstack event for €10,736. We interviewed Ly after the event and enjoy his company at many events over the years.

We are sad to report that Ly busted his first bullet today and will be on his third bullet overall in the Main Event. We hope the third time is a charm.

Ly recapped how it all went down and even had a photo of the hand. He shared that he four-bet jammed for 19,000 with Q Q and was called by an opponent with 3 3 . Normally this would be an ideal spot to double but the Poker Gods had something else in mind for our Swedish friend as his opponent improved to trips on the 5 3 8 flop. Neither the 2 turn nor the J river was able to save the day for Ly and he is now at the registration desk getting ready for his third bullet.

kalle ly wins pokerlistings deepstack of the festival series in tallinn
Kalle Ly Wins PokerLIstings Deepstack