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Jindra Shows a Bluff

Jindra Shows a Bluff

Level 7: 400/800 (800)
Entries: 185/269

Luka Bojovic three-bet to 5,500 from the blinds and was called by Adam Jindra, who originally opened from late position.

Bojovic fired out for 2,500 after the J 8 2 were dealt on the flop and Jindra snap-called. The foot came off the gas pedal for Bojovic as he checked the K turn. Jindra fired out for 6,000 and Bojovic called.

The 6 completed the board on the river and Bojovic checked once again. Jindra jammed for more than his opponent had behind and a few moments later Bojovic folded. Instead of mucking his cards, Jindra wanted to show his bluff and turned over the 9 7 as the dealer began to award him the pot.

Adam Jindra – 60,000
Luka Bojovic – 30,000