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Is Lalinovci a Mind Reader?

Is Lalinovci a Mind Reader?

Level 2: 300/600 (600)
Entries: 173/175

Alexander Proca bet 12,000 into a pot of a bit more with the 5 A 10 A 3 on the board. Besnik Lalinovci raised to 60,000 and Proca went into the tank.

“I know you have kings,” said Lalinovci.

“Will you show if I fold?” asked Proca.

“I won’t show,” replied Lalinovci.

Proca was in the tank for a couple of minutes before he opted to fold. He decided to show that Lalinovci was correct and turned over K K to the table. Lalinovci didn’t show but did say he had queen-high as the next hand was being dealt. Proca didn’t buy it and we will never know if it was a value-bet or a bluff. What we do know, is that Lalinovci was able to read Proca’s mind, at least for that hand.

Besnik Lalinovci – 170,000
Alexander Proca – 110,000